May 23-27, 2011

After Danish film director Lars Von Trier’s remarks at the Cannes Film Festival in which he called himself a “Nazi” and “sympathetic to Hitler,” Kevin Mattison reflects on his own conflicted history watching Von Trier’s films in A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 1.

After the death of wrestler Randy “Macho Man” Savage, Ana Holguin remembers the macho men in her life–the wrestlers who manifested strength to a girl who felt she had none. Read The Macho Man vs. the family secrets.

Ready for another webcomic round-up? Review that high-school math and history you barely remember before reading these smart comics, in Smart Girl at the Party: Web Comic Round Up, Part III.

Jill Kolongowski’s been laid up in bed despite being up-to-date on her flu shots. Read about her favorite foods to make you feel better (one of which you’ve probably never heard of) in Chicken soup for the sick cook’s soul.

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