July 4-9, 2011

More Germans? More Germans! Mike Vincent writes about the storied, tumultuous collaboration between Michael Rother and Klaus Dinger in “Neu!”

A faux-documentary. On trolls. From Norway. Big ones. Need I say more? Kevin Mattison does in “There are trolls in them thar hills”

Gavin Craig has played LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Batman, and LEGO Harry Potter, and he’s never, ever going to play another LEGO video game again. Find out why in “No more LEGOs”

Ana Holguin had written off Louis CK — too angry, too white, too male — but then she watched his F/X series Louie, and realized that he wrote and directed Pootie Tang. Read “Painfully good times with Louis C.K.”

Jill Kolongowski shows off her street cred (earned or unearned) as she checks out her soon-to-be-local digs in San Francisco. Read “San Francisco weekend eats”

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