EarthBound: I just don’t know

Despite the screenshot, I am not entirely sure about this game.
The game mechanics themselves are uninspired. Kill stuff and gain experience to get new abilities and increase incomprehensible stats at a mathematically consistent rate. And, as I mentioned last time, the enemies are brutal, a misplaced heal and you’re done, which means a lot of reloading and lost progress (early game, anyway, we’ll see how it pans out in the future).
I am not also not sure whether I love or hate the auto-fight option. There is something weird about letting a game play itself and if it’s actually required to make a game playable you can replace the word “weird” with “terrible.”
Here are thoughts that actually ran through my mind during my last session:
- “Let me check my email real quick”
- “I better check twitter while I am at it and find out what this Qwickster nonsense is all about.”
- “I wonder if I will miss anything if I mute the sound and watch some bad anime at the same time”
Obviously, these are not good signs. I can only hope the quirkiness starts to really grab me.
I was pretty stoked about this time traveling bee dude that appeared to tell me how I was going to save the world, then helps me beat down a terrifying alien only to get squashed later by a friend’s mom. This made me sad.
I just don’t know folks, I’m willing to keep plugging away, but quirkiness alone might not be able to carry this game.
Where You At?: Twoson
Sanctuary Songs Recorded: 1 of 8
Party: Just me
Read Gavin Craig’s week 2 post
Read Daniel J. Hogan’s week 2 post
Andrew Simone is writer, veloist, and video game enthusiast who spends too much time at a social network that isn’t one.