November 7-11, 2011

Mike Vincent watches Pearl Jam Twenty and looks back at a band that he’s loved, and not loved. Read “The shadow of the 90s”

A tattoo is a way to inscribe one’s history, one’s family, one’s self on one’s own body. Ana Holguin traces those inscriptions in “Skin writing”

Are you looking for some Shakespeare that’s a bit off the beaten ruffled-cuffs-and-iambic-pentameter path? Or are you possibly looking to smuggle some of the bard into a loved one’s film diet without them realizing? Either way, Sarah Werner hooks you up in “Shakespeare with a difference”

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Cut!” by Daniel J. Hogan

To cheese, or not to cheese? Gavin Craig traces the way tastes can change over time (and solves a bit of a mystery) in “A tale of two cheeses”

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