November 14-18, 2011

While clever dialogue often dominates contempory filmmaking, when directors let a well crafted silence do its work, the results can be extraordinary. Kevin Mattison shares some of the better examples in “The silence that says everything”

In her new column “Over the Boards,” Yael Borofsky revisits the moment that she fell in love with hockey, and tries to figure out why such a fast-paced, physical, fan-friendly sport struggles to find a broader audience. Read “Hockey and the machine”

Shane and Chris Houghton’s Reed Gunther Volume 1 came out last week, the first graphic novel for their hit comic book series about the affable misadventures of the beguiling, bear-riding cowboy of the same name. Rosemary Van Deuren talks to the Houghton brothers about why “all-ages” doesn’t mean “kids only” in “Reed Gunther: An interview with Shane and Chris Houghton”

Sarah Pavis says that Parks and Recreation is one of the funniest shows on TV right now, but if you’re going to dig up old episodes on Netflix, you should skip the first season and start with season 2. Find out why in “From cringe to cheer: The evolution of foible in Parks & Recreation”

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Oh, Poo” by Daniel J. Hogan and “Taking dad’s advice” by Gavin Craig

As winter approaches, new Californian Jill Kolongowski finds that she doesn’t miss the snow so much as the winter rituals, so she pulls out the crock pot. Read “Winter in California: turkey white bean pumpkin chili”

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