Wishlist: Thoughtcicles

Living in Boston so far has included a lot of walking, listening to music, watching movies and British television, web surfing, baking and cooking and wanting these things:

theremin Theremin — shop for it here

For anyone unfamiliar with a Theremin it’s the wonderful machine that makes that cool flying saucer noise! Used for the soundtracks of such classics as The Day the Earth Stood Still, Star Trek, Ed Wood, and Ghostbusters, I can’t imagine why any film/television musical enthusiast wouldn’t want one. I SURE AS HELL DO. For an added Techie bonus, you can buy a kit and build your own!

TARDIS mug TARDIS mug — shop for it here

Now that I’m all caught up on Doctor Who and re-obsessed with British television this is the perfect mug. Though it is not bigger on the inside, the little lid of the TARDIS makes it awesome for tea steeping, if that’s your brewing style. This makes an awesome holiday gift especially if it’s received in time for use during the Doctor Who Christmas Special!

samurai umbrella Samurai Sword Umbrella — shop for it here

Living in Michigan and always having a car has made me greatly underestimate the need for a sturdy umbrella. Now without a car in Boston, windy rains have made a fool of me and my cheap CVS umbrellas that flip inside out for, like, no reason, but NO LONGER! I will have my dry bloody revenge, Boston!
Honorable Mention: Pirate Sword Umbrella AYE! AVAST!

OCD cutting board OCD cutting board — shop for it here

Sometimes I don’t care about how I’m chopping things up for dinner and other times I DO. I REALLY, REALLY DO.

knife set Calphalon Katana Series 18-piece Cutlery Knife Block Set — shop for it here

My WORD, but I love a good, sexy set of knives.

ALOT An Alot

As a fan of Allie Brosh’s blog Hyperbole and a Half and her imaginary creature The Alot, an adorable plush toy of the furry beast of many names would be just a spiffing gift! I love the Alot, but it’s not a mass produced thing… YET. What’s a girl to do? ETSY Is $30 a lot for an Alot? There’s a lot to consider.

apron design “Butter Yo Shit” MDK Apron — shop for it here

While we’re talking about blogs and silly things I love, Hannah Hart’s My Drunk Kitchen store has a lovely array of what I hope is just the beginning of adorable Hart-swag.

Ice ring mold Shark Fin Ice Ring Mold

I saw this at Target didn’t buy it because I am a fool! A FOOL, I tell you! It was the stupidest impulse resist of my life. I don’t know who makes them, I don’t know if Target still carries them but I wish and wish and wish I had one for the one day in my entire life that I might ever serve red punch from a large bowl.

Lindsey Malta writes “Thoughtcicles” for The Idler.

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