The top 10 movies I’ll miss most now that the Starz deal has expired
Posted by Sarah Pavis on February 29, 2012 · 2 Comments

Let us all take a moment of silence for all the unwatched Starz movies that are no longer streaming as of today:
- The Pixar Story – Really regretting that I never got around to watching this documentary about the Pixar studio since it’s not even available on DVD now.
- Toy Story 3 – You’re gonna have to find another movie to put on repeat for your kids.
- Howl’s Moving Castle – The child in all of us has grown up and gone disc-only.
- Gambit – Netflix thinks I’d give this movie 4.6 stars and Netflix is never wrong so I’m sure I’ll feel the disappearance of this movie I’ve never heard of as a cruel theft.
- Hackers – There goes my late night 90’s era Angelina Jolie nerd boner material.
- Let Me In – It’s lived in my instant queue for a year unwatched, now I’m going to have to rent it on DVD and leave it on top of my TV for 6 months before I get around to watching it.
- TRON: Legacy – TRON
- In The Mood For Love – This romantic Korean movie is a real delight. Rent it on disc to do subs instead of dubs. Also rent it on disc because now you have no choice.
- Twister – A Category 5 deal failure ripped through Netflix taking this movie along with it.
- Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans – The loss of this movie makes today sad day for Nic Cage fans everywhere.
- Gnomeo & Juliet – Starz was the place to go for bad movies and even worse puns.
- Nine Months – A Hugh Grant vehicle that’s as predictable as it is forgettable. I’ve already forgotten it had been available on streaming.
- Beetlejuice – Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
Oops, it’s all gone now, what did I do? Sorry!
Sarah Pavis is an engineer, writer, and Netflix obsessive. She writes “In the Queue” for The Idler.
Filed under In the Queue · Tagged with film, humor, lists
Oh no, I missed my chance for Tron?!
Hey, nice list! I agree with all of those movies with the exception of Gnomeo and Juliet. Although it wasn’t a waste of my life, I could say I could have lived without it. I guess that is the beauty of all you can watch services; if you don’t like something, stop watching and try something else. I intend to order the best DVD and Blu-ray movies I can, but sometimes there is a stinker. I love having streaming too with my Blockbuster @Home because I can supplement when I don’t have a game rented. Oh, I also watch a movie on one of my 20 HD-commercial free movie channels I get too, which I record on my DVR for later. Actually, only ten dollars a month is nice since it would be nearly twice that much for Netflix, and I don’t mind paying it even as a DISH employee.