Goal song madness

I’m pretty bummed about my March Madness picks this year, which is why I’m not making any predictions about the imminent NHL playoffs.

To be fair, my secret March Madness sauce involves a complex model based on team color and mascot. Not exactly the stuff sports analyst careers are made of.

Still, I’m not really in the predictive spirit.

What I am into right now, though, is NHL goal songs.

My fascination started when I was at the aforementioned Flyers/Red Wings game and Claude Giroux had just scored “a dazzler.”

Immediately, my boyfriend, who was watching the game from his couch (sucker), texted me the following message: “Doop doop”

It wasn’t romance. Those are the lyrics (yes, lyrics) to the Flyers’ latest goal song, which is actually called “Doop,” as far as I can tell. It was the first time I noticed the new tune.

You can listen to it, or you can trust me when I say that the persistent “doop”-ing sounds like some sort of over-aggressive homage to doo-wop. It grows on you.

With the mysteriousness of “Doop” in mind — what does it mean?! — I decided to listen to every hockey goal song in the NHL. There are 30, ahem.

There are at least as many recent rankings out there, which is really a somewhat futile exercise since teams do change their goal songs, despite hockey’s rampant obsession with superstition.

For example, this ranking from Bleacher Report is largely moot because there has been enormous goal song turnover this year.

It’s unclear whether or not it had anything to do with some unsavory allegations leveled at Gary Glitter in 2006, the mastermind behind the so called, “Hey Song,” otherwise known as “Rock and Roll Part II.” The song is probably one of the most recognizable celebratory sports ditties I can think of.

In any case, to reassess the goal song situation and redeem my bracket picking skills, I’ve decided to fabricate a March Madness playoff for NHL goal songs. I’m taking no actual team standings into account and heavily penalizing teams for repeats.

But, it will be interesting to see if goal song success tracks at all with NHL playoff success.

Without further ado* or additional commentary**, here is the bracket and the playlist. Make of it what you will:

Goal song bracket


Eastern Conference

Western Conference

* It is surprisingly challenging to confirm official team goal songs without actually being at the game and shazaaming them or something. If I got a song wrong, it’s because the interwebs lied to me. Repeatedly.

** I tried not to be biased with respect to the Flyers. But come on now, this is sports. Let’s be real.

Yael Borofsky is a writer, editor, and Philadelphia sports fan. Follow her on Twitter @yaelborofsky.

One Response to “Goal song madness”
  1. tehgreengrass says:

    The song’s actually used for the Union after they score goals. The actual song is “Maria (I like it loud)” by Scooter, a fairly ridiculous German band. The clip that plays starts at about 1:05 in the song – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=385luvMXOmU

    I can only imagine that the fact that the Flyers use it is as a nod to the city’s burgeoning soccer fan base. And that it’s a really catchy song to chant when they score.

    The whole story’s at http://www.philadelphiaunion.com/news/2010/07/do-you-doop

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