
A confession up front: this post comes close to violating The Idler’s mandate to focus on things we enjoy. In another part of my life, I am a Shakespeare scholar. I write about his plays in performance, I edit volumes about the topic, I used to teach the subject regularly. In other words, Shakespeare is … Continue reading

What I’m Watching: Prime Suspect

Prime Suspect (NBC, Thursdays) First and foremost, watch the original British Prime Suspect starring Helen Mirren. That woman is a goddess for a reason. I watched the series over the summer and was blown away by how intensely it activated my emotions, mostly anger, toward the patriarchy. This program, along with its new American counterpart … Continue reading

EarthBound: Let’s roll another boulder up the hill, shall we?

I am two hours into a six hour evening train ride from Saint Louis to Kansas City. The long weekend has consisted largely of couch sleeping and liver-angering evenings. The sun has set, discouraging me to mindlessly gawp at small Midwestern towns, some dude, last stop, picked me to accidentally bump legs with for the … Continue reading

Earthbound: The things we carry

Part of me wants to start this column by saying that I’ve played a lot of RPGs, but that’s probably not objectively true. It would be far more accurate to say that I’ve played a lot of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games. So while the item management system in EarthBound feels revolutionary, I don’t … Continue reading

Prosecco: the perfect accompaniment to love

I believe the first time I tasted prosecco was on the Paris to Milan Artesia night train. It’s called the Stendhal service and that’s a perfect name for a journey between these two cities. Stendhal was the pen name of Marie-Henri Beyle, a French writer well known for his unrequited love for Mathilde, Countess Dembowska, … Continue reading

October 3-5, 2011

Mark Indelicato is most known for his role on ABC’s Ugly Betty as Justin Suarez, but the young actor and singer has recently begun trying his hand at fashion journalism and photography, and has grown into quite a style inspiration. Read Rosemary Van Deuren’s interview with “Mark Indelicato”

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Zombies!” by Daniel J. Hogan and “A flying metal tube” by Gavin Craig

Jill Kolongowski doesn’t just look at you, she looks at what you’re drinking, and she judges you for it. Find out “What that drink says about you”

Mark Indelicato

Mark Indelicato is most known for his role on ABC’s Ugly Betty as Justin Suarez, Betty’s sharp-witted and kind-hearted nephew. But the young actor and singer has recently begun trying his hand at fashion journalism and photography, and has grown into quite a style inspiration. Today, I have the pleasure of chatting with Mark about … Continue reading

EarthBound: Zombies!

I love it when a game takes a funny approach to something I deal with on an everyday basis, like escaping the clutches of ghosts. Case in point, EarthBound has a scene where Ness and Paula hitch a ride with the Runaway Five to Threed. Now, the tunnel to Threed is filled with ghosts, which … Continue reading

EarthBound: A flying metal tube

EarthBound does not begin with a plane ride. This, to me, right now, is the one place where the game feels wrong. In 1995, a 10-year-old would have been able to get on an airplane alone. (I did, as a 10-year-old, and while I don’t remember specifically, chances are that I did as a 16-year-old … Continue reading

What that drink says about you

On Saturday, I went out to a sort-of-upscale Irish sports bar in the Lower Haight to watch the Michigan State football game with some other alumni. Besides the fact that there would be other green-and-white-clad people there, the bar’s attraction was their bottomless mimosas. For $8, you could have as many of those little darlings … Continue reading