Skin writing

The needle carves into the skin. It stabs deep into those cutaneous layers you learned about in science class and lays the ink down. Bits of blood bubble up and out. First comes the awful sensation — a shard of glass dragging across you — then, the “why am I doing this?,” followed by the … Continue reading

Shakespeare with a difference

So as I pointed out last month, there are some great (and some not-so-great) films of Shakespeare’s plays. But sometimes you don’t feel like watching Shakespeare. Sometimes, you want to watch something a bit different. So, for those nights, here are some adaptations that offer Shakespeare with a twist, with a little bit of something … Continue reading

EarthBound: Cut!

I finally rescued Paula (for the second time) the other night, and I am glad to have her back in the party. I missed her PSI Powers. But, maybe I missed her extra item slots even more (OK, that sounds kind of dirty). Last week, I touched on some of the heavy handed plot elements … Continue reading

A tale of two cheeses

There’s probably few things that are as personal, as idiosyncratic, or as undeniable as what foods we like and what we don’t like. The word “disgusting” derives from the Middle French word for taste (gouster, now goûter), and even when we’re talking about something other than food, it evokes a deep, visceral sort of revulsion … Continue reading

October 31-November 3, 2011

Peter S. Beagle is a novelist, poet, screenwriter, songwriter and — in the words of Tad Williams — “a bandit prince out to steal readers’ hearts.” His best-known work is the novel and fantasy phenomenon The Last Unicorn, which has sold over five million copies, been translated into twenty languages, and was adapted for the 1982 animated film of the same name, for which he also wrote the screenplay. Read Rosemary Van Deuren’s “Interview with Peter S. Beagle”

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Getting somewhere (sort of)” by Gavin Craig, “Problems” by Daniel J. Hogan, and “Expectations” by Andrew Simone

You may or may not trick-or-treat anymore, but you’ll end up with Halloween candy anyway. (How does that happen, every year?) Jill Kolongowski helps you sort through your stash in “Trash or treasure: Halloween candy edition”

Interview with Peter S. Beagle

Peter S. Beagle is one of the greatest fantasy authors of our time. He is a novelist, poet, screenwriter, songwriter and — in the words of Tad Williams — “a bandit prince out to steal readers’ hearts.” He wrote his first novel A Fine and Private Place (1960) when he was only nineteen years old. … Continue reading

EarthBound: Getting somewhere (sort of)

So last week I said that this was going to be a make or break week for me. Well, I don’t know that I can say that another couple of hours of play made EarthBound for me, but at least I can say it didn’t break it either. But it’s a close thing, and while … Continue reading

EarthBound: Problems

Over the past week, my gamer brothers-in-arms, Gavin and Andrew, hinted at EarthBound testing their patience. Andrew, bless him, even went so far to title last week’s post “I loathe this game.” However, while I do not plan on giving up, I told the fellas to do whatever they wish. Since this snag came up, … Continue reading

EarthBound: Expectations

There is no doubt this game is strange and, by all rights, I should love it for its quirkiness alone. I mean, I can’t tell you how many ostensibly terrible anime series I found myself plowing through in order to simple find the goodness. Sadly, I think Earthbound was doomed from the start. The graphics … Continue reading