
Last week I trawled through the YouTube and found a few clips that in no way shed a wide light on the subgenre of music that folks like me call, Krautrock. I left off clips from one band, a band that I assume anybody who hears the term Krautrock would think of: Kraftwerk. Kraftwerk, in … Continue reading

Krautrock YouTube sampler

Hello again. I’ve been gone, now I’m back. (No that’s not a Morrissey song lyric nor is it a mission statement.) In-between coming to grips with the end of my teaching year and a strange newfound interest in planting seeds in the ground and watching them grow, music has felt very far from my mind. … Continue reading

Fare thee well

Music is molecular. You hear a song, listen to a song, feel a song and you are forever changed. Who and what you were before hearing the song are not the same who and what you are after hearing a song. Music sticks to memories, to associations, to every facet of your life. Times, places, … Continue reading

Jack and the Duke

I first started listening to Jazz in 1993. Feels like a lifetime ago. I remember what I started listening to and the artists I chose to begin with. I can tell you that one of the artists I listened to was NOT Duke Ellington. I can’t explain why I didn’t start with Duke. As I … Continue reading

Record Store Day

Fuck Record Store Day. Yeah, I said it. Tomorrow is Record Store Day, one of the phoniest events since Sweetest Day. The “event” was created in 2007 as a “celebration of the unique culture surrounding over 700 independently owned record stores in the USA.” The concept and the idea behind this event really make me … Continue reading

My light shines on

A funny thing happened to me yesterday. Well, maybe not funny. Whatever I can think of to call it this event was certainly different. A bit of exposition: Twenty years ago a great album was released. One of many great albums from 1991 in fact. (My senior year of high school, for the record, was … Continue reading


You work in music long enough or listen with deep ears long enough and you will pick up things. I’m not talking about chords or changes, more the snippets and samples that exist in music. What happens to me when I hear something familiar, something from someplace else, is that I freeze and my mind … Continue reading


Sometimes we let our guard down. Sometimes a glimmer gets in through a crack and everything changes. Happens to all of us, it has to. I know it happens to me. Not quite as much as I would like, but it happens. Happened recently, the other afternoon in fact. And it has left me not … Continue reading


Driving home from work (anywhere from a 45-60 minute commute depending on weather) I was playing random songs from my iPod Shuffle, the exercise iPod I wrote about last week. The device is like looking at tree rings, where the farther down the list of songs on the device the older the song is. “Master … Continue reading


I have always been an Apple kind of fellow. Apple computers, that is. Nothing against the fruit the computers are named for, but I do tend to prefer oranges. I remember growing up with strange, variant PCs but the computers in our home that really stood out were the Apple products. To this day my … Continue reading