FFVII: Guided strategy

I believe that I’ve admitted in the past, with almost a perverse sense of pride, that I’m one of those people who buys the strategy guide. (Or at least tries to look at it. Building a collection of strategy guides would be crazy expensive.) I’ve backed off a bit in recent years, but only because … Continue reading

FFVII: Junon Harbor

After a forty-seven minute grind (I timed it), I finally saw this. Nobody likes grinding, but this was particularly odious since I can’t stand Yuffie, but I am compelled to get her since her early game equipment is much better than what I have at the moment, plus she gets a three-slotted materia leveling weapon … Continue reading

FFVII: Swap meet

I’m really getting tired of swapping party members and deciding who-gets-what-materia. Every time I start my gaming session, I spend about ten to fifteen minutes just equipping my party with different materia. Don’t get me wrong—I do enjoy the materia aspect of this game. It grants Final Fantasy VII some great customization options and replay … Continue reading

FFVII: The scene is set

I’ll admit it. I am lagging way behind, but I can’t help but want to mine every last detail in the Cloud’s flashback in Kalm. It sets up so much more than the game lets on and every little detail counts. This little scene, for instance, has far greater significance than you would first imagine. … Continue reading

FFVII: Who’s the villain?

Before landing in Costa Del Sol, the swanky beach resort town of FFVII, I had a boss battle with Jenova. This creature, or whatever the hell it is, happens to be a leftover specimen of an old race of magical beings. And Sephiroth, the white-haired villain Cloud is chasing, believes it to be his “mother.” … Continue reading

FFVII: Endings are different all over

Daniel, I may just let you write before me the rest of the way through the game because you always give me so much good stuff to respond to. And I need that this week, since I had something of a disaster. I visited Kalm. I found out what happened when Cloud and Sephiroth visited … Continue reading

FFVII: Breadth and depth

Midgar seems like such a short section of the game now, but I remember thinking that disk one had to close to the end. Of course, this is far from the case. The game doesn’t really get started until disk two, everything else is just setup. This makes booting up the game something of a … Continue reading

FFVII: Adventures in cross-dressing

I was able to play quite a bit over the holidays, so I apologize for the big jump from last week’s post. Fear not though, there is still plenty of game left to play. Anywho, one of the wackier points of the games when Cloud has to cross dress in order to save Tifa, aka … Continue reading

FFVII: Back to the map

Daniel, I’m really happy that you posted about the Sector 7 plate collapse this week, as it was one of the two big moments in my gameplay so far. While I agree with you that FFVII’s action starts off strong, the story has some fits and starts in the first few hours. As you noted, … Continue reading

FFVII: Housed

Every subculture has an idiolect, those strange words and turns of phrase that are nearly unintelligible to the uninitiated. Gaming culture, of course, is no different. It may even be the worst offender since it’s no secret its people lust after arcana. You can even begin to quantify your level of nerdery by how many … Continue reading