Reading resolutions

I have a few book related New Year’s resolutions for 2013: Read more. This seems like an easy catch all, but with the baby and the lure of the television I haven’t been doing a lot of reading lately. I have one book upstairs in the nursery that I read while Joe naps (for exactly … Continue reading

From last to first

It’s amazing how much we want to see ourselves reflected in the animal kingdom. From horoscopic astrological signs to Disney’s The Lion King, we seem to desperately want to understand humans by terms of bestial natures and vice versa. We ascribe personalities to all manner of animals — from those snooty giraffes at the zoo … Continue reading

In detail

I have a question to pose today, when does enough research to make story details believable turn into an overload of useless facts? I’m currently reading Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse and while I love Clancy, the facts sometimes get in the way. Early in the novel John Kelly is pulling his boat from its slip … Continue reading

The end of the world as we know it

So that’s that. Time to pack on up and get on out of this universe. Today’s date — December 21, 2012 — has long been the source of much consternation for conspiracy theorists of all manners, driving scientists, writers and artists of all types to support or disprove the armageddon it supposedly brings in its … Continue reading

‘Tis the season (for Christmas books)

In the book world you can expect certain books to be published at certain times. January is full of self-help, diet, and exercise books for all those people making New Year’s resolutions. Summer sees loads of mysteries and an uptick in fiction for women, books about sisters and friends with images of women on beaches … Continue reading

PopHeart’s Xmas wishlist

Twas some weeks until Xmas and all through my brain Sweet visions of presents are keeping me sane… Lacoste bathrobe On sale $69.99 at This gal don’t wear kerchiefs, long nightgowns or caps, I wander in robes and in them I nap. Ron Swanson mug $14 And when I arise, my head needs … Continue reading

The truth is in here

Everybody loves a good conspiracy theory. Books, movies, and television are chock full of fictional and non-fictional attempts to make sense of the world — not with the simplest of explanations, but in the most interesting way possible. We want all dots to connect, even if matching point A to point B is frightening, because … Continue reading

Super Mario Bros. (Yes, the movie)

The recent video game film, Wreck-It Ralph (2012), has been called by some “the best video game movie ever made.” On the surface, that sounds like quite the endorsement, but if you dig deeper, such a title doesn’t carry much weight when you look at the rest of the sample in question. In short, it … Continue reading

Not just for kids

I spent my summer watching superhero movies. We went through all of the X-Men movies, saw The Avengers at least five times which led to rewatching the Iron Man movies as well, and after watching all three of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies my husband encouraged me to watch the 1992 Batman: The Animated Series. When … Continue reading

Style Icons: Tavi Gevinson

We tend to think of style icons as people with a little age on them — people who, seasoned with experience, can turn out any look for any occasion. However, it’s important to remember that the young’uns are often the daring vanguard from which high fashion takes its cues. Messy, playful, devil-may-care, kids use fashion … Continue reading