Like most nerdy lads in the early ‘90s, I was a fan of Star Trek. While I enjoyed the original series, I had more exposure to Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. So, it warmed my heart to see that both of these series are on Netflix Watch Instant. As I began re-watching Deep Space … Continue reading

A tale of two Doctors

Having watched all of the modern Doctor Who series and some of the classic Doctor Who series I think I can confidently call myself an unimpeachable expert. My esteemed college and, more importantly, fellow Sarah, has asserted Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor is the best Doctor. While in every subjective way her opinion is … Continue reading

The author, in and out of shadow

For the past two years, my favorite author, Orson Scott Card, has published a new book very close to my mid-January birthday. I’ve always anticipated his new books with glee. The new publishing dates had made it seem as though he was giving me a new book just for my birthday. It’s pretty much the … Continue reading

A noob watches Doctor Who

Last year I finally decided to start watching Doctor Who. I’m not sure why I hadn’t before. I think it always seemed too hardcore. Everyone I knew who watched the show was constantly making in-jokes with other Who fans. (One indication of how out of it I am: are fans of the show Who fans … Continue reading

The stuff of dreams

N. K. Jemisin’s debut book The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms was one of the most acclaimed debut novels in recent years. She won the Locus Award for Best First Novel for 2011. Her book was also nominated for the Nebula, the Hugo, and the World Fantasy Award that year. I’d never heard of her. All of … Continue reading

The Doctor is in

We had gorgeous weather in my new neighborhood this past weekend, though I hardly got to enjoy any of it on account of being knocked on my arse by my own traitorous sinuses. With sickness comes a lot of time spent languishing under warm blankets and snuggling into fluffy pillows while I wish away my … Continue reading