The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman (two, actually)

Marriage is tricky, even when things are going well. In theory, one should constantly be evolving, growing. Things get difficult when two people are asked to grow together. Sometimes we’re in different places at the same time. Such is the case with Nic (Annette Benning) and Jules (Julianne Moore) in The Kids Are All Right, … Continue reading

He who acts most kingly is king

God, I hate period pieces. Actually, that’s too much of a blanket statement. I hate most period pieces. There’s something overly formal about them (like the costumes, stifled emotions and, well, formalities) that almost immediately turns me off. I have enjoyed a few of them. I’m a huge fan of Marie Antoinette, for example, but … Continue reading

True friends stab you in the front

Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) isn’t an asshole. It’s just that he’s just trying so hard to be. Well, that’s one of his lawyers’ opinions anyway. The rest of the world seems to have reached a consensus. Lord knows the people suing him have. You’re probably familiar with the name Mark Zuckerberg. You probably even followed … Continue reading

Most girls like to play pretties, but you like guns do you?

Three things occurred to me while watching the Coen brother’s latest film, True Grit: 1) Hailee Steinfeld’s Best Supporting Actress nomination is pure silliness given that this is clearly her film, however, I’ll take a silly nomination over no nomination. 2) Jeff Bridges is, without a doubt, one of the finest actors of our time, and … Continue reading

Other things may change us, but we start and end with family

I’m going to be real about this: I’m not sure why The Fighter is nominated. I realize that this was a bit of a down year, but what is it about this film that warrants Best Picture consideration? I think that having a ten film category to fill may have had something to do with … Continue reading

I’ll show you the life of the mind

Director Christopher Nolan has done something extraordinary: He has become a master of the intelligent blockbuster film. It may not seem like much, but consider nearly every summer blockbuster through the eyes of Nolan and you’ll see what I’m getting at. Would Transformers have been the same goofy, loud, cut heavy film that it was? … Continue reading

This dream must be madness

It’s wet, cold and icy and I’m on my way to the Main Art Theatre in Royal Oak to see Black Swan. I shouldn’t be out, but there are ten friggin’ best picture nominees and I’ve got to get rolling. Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow. I shake off the cold (and the rage I … Continue reading

Survival is nothing more than recovery

As big a fan of the movie theatre experience as I am, I must admit that some films really are best viewed at home, curled up under a blanket in the dark. There is something about that level of intimacy that allows a film to really envelop you before truly sinking in. Winter’s Bone is … Continue reading

The great Oscar race begins

I am now embarking on a foolhardy quest to see each of the Best Picture Oscar nominees before February 27th. I do this to myself every year. It is a daunting task for a busy fellow such as me, as I find myself only four films deep into the ten film category. Ten films! Who … Continue reading