The non-woo-girl’s guide to Vegas

My brother just got married in Las Vegas because he’s one of those pretty happy-go-lucky people that can do something like that without looking tacky or like an asshole or like a tacky asshole. I went to the wedding, of course, because he’s my brother and he owed me forty dollars. That was a dumb … Continue reading

On dieting and real food

Because I’ve been traveling nonstop for the last two weeks (from Boston to Springfield back to Boston, to Washington D.C., to Baltimore, to Roseville, Michigan, to Brighton, to Detroit, and back to Boston), I haven’t done any cooking at all. (I did, however, spend a weekend with my aunts and baked the cinnamon rolls again, … Continue reading

Our favorite shops

When I travel or go anywhere new, really, I always make it my main goal to find a record store. Remember those? I’m sure that anyone living in New York or Los Angeles knows what I’m talking about. Other places perhaps not so much, as they are fading away, replaced by a computer application or a megastore with the cheapest prices and cheapest selection. I was lucky then to find Requests Music in Wailuku, Hawaii, which is, they claim, the only “record store” on the island of Maui.

It was a Monday and the family and I drove back across the island to get some food and a few other things. But first on my mind was getting to Requests. We came up on it; I parked the car and strolled up to discover it was CLOSED for President’s Day! I actually hit them up on Twitter (@RequestsHI) and returned the next day. I’m glad I did.

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