Because even The New York Times noticed

Last week, my friend Zack sent me a link to the New York Times bit about the lack of legendary nicknames, a subject I meditated on way back at the beginning of this column’s career. The Times, of course, picking up on something that’s been written better and with more nuance by people who actually … Continue reading

May 9-13, 2011

Kevin Mattison continues his tribute to Robert Altman by touching quickly on his improvisational seat-of-his-pants brilliance. Read “How Robert Altman helped me justify being lazy in film school – Pt. 2”

Mike Vincent revisits some old good-byes with LCD Soundsystem and John Fahey. Read “Fare thee well”

Kate Sloan’s survey of the best, weirdest, and most fun comics online continues in “Webcomic roundup, part II”

It’s hump day. Get over it (or celebrate it) with Rosemary Van Deuren’s “Top ten sexy music videos for hipsters & delinquents”

If the Tigers really get going this season, it may be because catcher Alex Avila decided to take the wheel. Angela Vasquez-Girouz examines the evidence in “The case for Alex Avila”

In “The F Word” this week, Jill Kolongowski tries Brussels sprouts, and thinks about giving up on cooking. (What?) Read “Take me out”

How Robert Altman helped me justify being lazy in film school – Pt. 2

I had found what I had been looking for, cinematically speaking, but what of Altman’s interaction with his cast and crew? I mean, love him or leave him, nobody makes films like Altman. The man’s even had an “esque” attributed to his name! As in: “That film’s very Altman-esque.” No small accomplishment. Of course a film … Continue reading

Fare thee well

Music is molecular. You hear a song, listen to a song, feel a song and you are forever changed. Who and what you were before hearing the song are not the same who and what you are after hearing a song. Music sticks to memories, to associations, to every facet of your life. Times, places, … Continue reading

Webcomic roundup, part II

When I asked my friends to suggest web comics the response I received was a little staggering. I had no idea they had been holding out on me like that—I hadn’t heard of at least half of the comics mentioned. I’m sure you’re all through the last bunch by now. Let’s while away our day … Continue reading

Top ten sexy music videos for hipsters & delinquents

You’ve seen Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game.” You’ve seen Christina Aguilera’s “Dirrty.” I have too. And they’re peachy—along with Prince’s “Gett Off,” which is also swell—but for my favorite saucy music video eye candy, I prefer something a little more left-of-center. Perhaps you do too. Perhaps you’d be interested to see some hot people in drag … Continue reading

The case for Alex Avila

What’s in a beard? If you’re a hockey fan (as I am) you know that a playoff beard is part of standard lore, and you probably looked forward to seeing the usually clean-shaven Steve Yzerman slowly become a bit scruffier, or the perpetually stubbled Brendan Shanahan turn into a grizzly bear overnight. The Tigers are … Continue reading

Take me out

Thanks to a rather fortunate series of circumstances, I’ve been able to avoid going for a big grocery shopping trip for more than two weeks. Here are the tactics I used, and you can use them too to be as lazy as me: 1. Get someone else to cook. Writing a food column that people … Continue reading

May 2-7, 2011

Teal Amthor-Shaffer says that one of the problems with trying to maintain healthy eating habits is that other people just can’t shut up about your body whether you’re gaining weight or losing it. Teal takes on public criticism and interviews Angela Vasquez-Giroux in “Kate Moss’s truth”

Kevin Mattison pays tribute to one of his idol’s idols (and not-so-subtly hints that scripts are overrated) in “How Robert Altman helped me justify being lazy in film school – Pt. 1”

This week, the Casual Gamer goes to camp, and tries to argue that there’s nothing casual about “casual” games. (Maybe he needs to change his name, then, eh?) Read “THAT Camp and “casual” games”

Visual effects artist, conceptual designer and animator Peter Konig has worked on films such as Starship Troopers (1997), Beowulf (2007), and
Splice and video games Left 4 Dead 2 and Portal 2. Rosemary Van Deuren talks to him in “Interview with Peter Konig”

Ana Holguin watches HBO’s Mildred Pierce, in which disaster always looms, but never quite exactly comes to pass, and is mesmerized. Read “HBO’s Melancholy Mildred”

It was the first game of the beer league season, Angela Vasquez-Giroux’s team took a loss. To mitigate the sting, Angela ruminates on her beloved Tigers, who has a habit of doing the same. (Also, it was against the National Guard, and they deserve it.) Read “0-1”

Jill Kolongowski sends the best care package ever, a cookie within a cookie, or a heart attack wrapped in love. Read “I N C E P T I O N: Cookies”

Kate Moss’s truth

If one more person approaches me about my weight loss in the hushed whisper of a confidante seeking a dangerous voodoo secret, I may look them straight in the eye and in the same hushed tones, say, “Pain and misery you dumb fucker. Can’t you do simple math?” Not too long ago, Kate Moss took … Continue reading