To the mattresses

It’s been a red letter summer. I finally accepted Boston as my home. I climbed a mountain. I ate octopus. I fell deeply in love with John Steinbeck. His words soothed me during the hottest of July days like a cool stream in the Michigan wilderness. His discussion of sin in East of Eden even … Continue reading

The non-woo-girl’s guide to Vegas

My brother just got married in Las Vegas because he’s one of those pretty happy-go-lucky people that can do something like that without looking tacky or like an asshole or like a tacky asshole. I went to the wedding, of course, because he’s my brother and he owed me forty dollars. That was a dumb … Continue reading

Kane’s gifts

There are two snow sleds in Citizen Kane. The first, as everyone knows, is named Rosebud and is given to Kane by his mother; the second is a Christmas present from Kane’s guardian, Thatcher, and is seen so briefly that audiences are unaware that it, too, has a name. If you press the pause button … Continue reading

The most wonderful time of the year

There is a time of year I anticipate more than any other, dear readers, and that time is upon us. I love this time of year so much that it causes a real, pressing, heart shrinking anxiety within me to have to miss it, all because I don’t have cable. I speak of the glory … Continue reading

Cigarettes and coffee: cooking for my grandparents

I’m staying at home in Michigan for a few weeks before I move to California. Everyone, especially my mom, seems convinced that I’m leaving for a faraway land from which I’ll never return. Every time I leave the house I expect to see my mother waving at me from the doorway with a white handkerchief. … Continue reading