EarthBound: A spiteful crow stole my breadroll

Unlike many other RPGs (“Role-Playing Games” for you Normals), EarthBound (for Super Nintendo) has you name all of the characters at the start of the game, even though you won’t see all of them until later. I indulged a bit and set Ness’s name as Dan, but kept the rest of the names their defaults: … Continue reading

EarthBound: I just don’t know

Despite the screenshot, I am not entirely sure about this game. The game mechanics themselves are uninspired. Kill stuff and gain experience to get new abilities and increase incomprehensible stats at a mathematically consistent rate. And, as I mentioned last time, the enemies are brutal, a misplaced heal and you’re done, which means a lot … Continue reading

The Doctor is in

We had gorgeous weather in my new neighborhood this past weekend, though I hardly got to enjoy any of it on account of being knocked on my arse by my own traitorous sinuses. With sickness comes a lot of time spent languishing under warm blankets and snuggling into fluffy pillows while I wish away my … Continue reading

September 12-16, 2011

Mike Vincent listens to people playing other people’s music, and he discovers, in the shadow of Nick Cave, Mick Harvey. Read “Uncover version”

There’s only one Pink Panther that matters, the lithe, suave, and occasionally reality-bending Friz Freleng-animated cat. Sarah Werner takes you on a tour of his greatest hits on Netflix in “Metaphysics in pink”

Do you have a friend who would help you hide a body? Ana Holquin does. Find out who and what he has to do with the F/X series Damages in “A little murder between friends”

The Gamers’ Club is getting ready to start a new game: the 1995 SNES game Earthbound. Read “All my friends are in there” by Daniel J. Hogan, “Starting Blind” by Gavin Craig, and “Pay phones and save states” by Andrew Simone

Francine McKenna hits a school reunion and discovers that Old Style is more than just a beer they serve at Wrigley Field. Find out what she drank when she wasn’t supposed to be drinking in “I’ll take a Michelob”

Jill Kolongowski is still settling into San Francisco, and she finds herself at the wrong end of a chocolate hangover. You didn’t even know that was possible, did you? Well, it is. Find out how in “The Ghiradelli Square Chocolate Festival”

Uncover version

On any given night, in any given bar across the globe, one can find a band, onstage, playing the music of another artist. Many years ago I stopped for a drink at a local establishment. Four lads were on stage and as I nursed my drink long since lost to the sands of time, they … Continue reading

Metaphysics in pink

The leading man of my featured items today has it all: he’s lithe, funny, soldiers on through existential crises, doesn’t overstay his welcome, and, above all, comes with a fabulous soundtrack. That’s right, the Pink Panther is on Netflix Instant and he will win you over in a heartbeat. More importantly, your kids will love … Continue reading

A little murder between friends

When my best friend Aaron went to his undergrad orientation um, 5 years ago (yesssss. . . let’s go with five), he joined his little cohort group for some of those dippy get-to-know-you games we all love to hate. His happy-go-lucky campus guide proposed a round of “Two Truths and a Lie,” that fairly self-explanatory … Continue reading

EarthBound: All my friends are in there

I decided to try another play-through blog series, and this time it is EarthBound for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (both of my readers will remember my previous adventure, Final Fantasy VII Revisited). I have many, many fond memories of EarthBound. Sure, the graphics may appear very dated by today’s standards, but I am certain … Continue reading

EarthBound: Starting blind

In what is becoming a familiar position for me, I’m coming into this hopelessly, happily blind. I’ve never played EarthBound before. I’ve heard rumors and conspiracy theories about this strange game from a strange series, most of which has never been available in the US. (Maybe I’ll talk about the strange theories later, but suffice … Continue reading

EarthBound: Pay phones and save states

I taken more stabs at this Earthbound/Mother 2 than I care to admit and each time I ended up the one murdered. Heaven knows it isn’t the weirdness. I’ve spent the better part of my life in weirdness, much of which happens to be Japanese. FLCL and The Tatami Galaxy, both coming-of-age, fourth-wall breaking, culturally … Continue reading