The B(s)CS strikes again

I can still remember the debates on local sports radio channels when I moved to Michigan in 2006 concerning a possible rematch between Ohio State and Michigan in the 2007 BCS Championship Game. However I will have to beg the reader’s pardon because being from the South, I am simply unable to replicate all of … Continue reading

Things I should resolve to do in the new year but probably won’t

1. Post fewer pictures of my dogs online or post less about my life in general. Maybe not everyone thinks it’s hilarious when my wiener dog is sleep-farting on the couch. Dachshunds in various states of repose and/or sporting the latest in blanket burrito fashion may only be of interest to other grad school shut-ins. … Continue reading

Bond, James Bond

Sometimes you get really lucky on Netflix Watch Instant, like when Mysterious Cities of Gold is added (note: the last three episodes are CRAZY) or when the entire run (or most of) one film series is made available. The latter is true, at least for the next few days or so, in regards to the … Continue reading

Procrastination, or, Why I don’t belong to a book club

I love to read. I love books. I love the cover art and the heft; I love the way they smell and feel. I love short stories and novels. I like nonfiction and I love fiction, especially science fiction. I’ve never been too fond of short poems but I love the epic ones. If I … Continue reading

Homemade chicken and dumplings soup

It’s strange to string up Christmas lights around a window framing palm trees and sunshine, instead of cloudy skies and snow. Listening to Christmas music on Pandora just felt like a sham. I wonder how parents in San Francisco justify Santa’s sleigh. There’s nothing for his runners to skate over in California but fresh asphalt … Continue reading