52/1: The Bat

One year into DC’s reboot of their primary continuity, known as the New 52, Idler comics writer Matt Santori-Griffith and co-editor Gavin Craig are taking stock of some of the high points. This week, at Gavin’s insistence, they’re starting things off by talking about Batman and Batman and Robin. — Matt: Jumping right in, have … Continue reading

Shut up and drive

Photo Credit: nic_r (licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike) November 11, 2011 I’m sitting in a small barbecue restaurant over 800 miles from home, having a spirited conversation with a couple of friends about Kimi Raikkonen and his chances of coming back to Formula 1 for the 2012 season after his abrupt 2009 departure. Raikkonen’s been … Continue reading

A back-to-school list for the rest of us

A Cancer crab July baby born in the deserts of New Mexico, I tend to love the summer. Breezy nautical styles, scoops of ice cream teetering on a sugar cone, sunshine that feels like it’s baking your body through and through, lazy naps on hot beaches, mmmmmhmm. This year, however, I’ve been itching for fall, … Continue reading

Hot stuff

Robin McKinley’s Dragonhaven is set in Smokehill National Park somewhere out west, where the major draw is a population of Draco australiensis — Let’s stop there. I love this novel about a national park with dragons, which is also a meditation on parenting, communication, and memory. The premise alone was enough to sell me on … Continue reading

Red lentil Thai chili

Sometimes I get bored of cooking. Actually, I often get bored of cooking. The idea of cooking one of the same five meals I have in rotation makes me just uuuugh and the idea of finding a new recipe and trudging to the store like a jerk to get all the stuff for it sounds … Continue reading