My Aussie double-header (insert sex joke here)*

Australia is not really known as a hub of great film, for the most part. There have been some great ones, though, like Rabbit Proof Fence (2002), in which three aboriginal sisters escape a school training them as domestic staff, intending to return to their mother. They are tracked by another aboriginal named Moodoo, played … Continue reading

I played in three act structure

I have always had a problem with timelines. The events of my life, particularly my early years, ebb and flow. There are places, people and moments that remain very vivid to me, but placing it in time is another matter. It is because of this that I cannot pinpoint how old I was when I … Continue reading

With friends like these. . .

The cockneys sure have a way with words, don’t they? One of the words they have a way with is “cunt,” which usually takes the place of people’s names and serves nicely as a blunt little exclamation point. If the word offends you, steer clear of 44 Inch Chest (2010), as it contains an incalculable … Continue reading

Roger Deakins, coming to light

The train robbery sequence that opens The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2006) is breathtaking. Jesse and his men stand in the woods as their target approaches, its light piercing through the trees temporarily illuminating their hooded faces before they slip back into darkness. Soon, the train slams headlong into the … Continue reading

Those who serve

Somewhere in Paris there is a room, sparsely decorated and populated by one man and his caged bird. The man lies on his bed, cigarette smoke billowing above his head. Later he will rise, don a trench coat and hat and head out into the city to set up alibis for the murder he is … Continue reading

Let the right one in, indeed

I’d say you were within your rights to bite The right one and say, “what kept you so long?” “What kept you so long?” – Morrissey “Let the Right One Slip In” I must admit right off the bat (pun only partially intended) that I am not a big fan of vampire films, generally speaking. At … Continue reading

Stumbling across the finish line: Oscar picks part 2

Best Cinematography: Matthew Libatique for Black Swan, Wally Pfister for Inception, Danny Cohen for The King’s Speech, Jeff Cronenweth for The Social Network, Roger Deakins for True Grit My pick: Roger Deakins for True Grit Probable winner:Jeff Conenweth for The King’s Speech Black Swan‘s gritty, realistic visuals provide a striking counterpoint to the madness it … Continue reading

Stumbling across the finish line: Oscar picks part 1

I have failed. I have fallen one movie short in the Best Picture category and four short of my overall goal. Thirteen films in three weeks can be tricky business for a married fellow with obligations. Damn you 127 Hours for not being as easily accessible as your fellow nominees! Damn you weather for thwarting … Continue reading

One must put away childish things

Pixar is money, pure and simple. They have raised the bar on the animated film, having mastered the ability to engage a child while still holding the interest of an adult. The Toy Story series has always been pretty kid-centric but not without its mature themes. Toy Story 3 heads into infinity and almost beyond … Continue reading

The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman (two, actually)

Marriage is tricky, even when things are going well. In theory, one should constantly be evolving, growing. Things get difficult when two people are asked to grow together. Sometimes we’re in different places at the same time. Such is the case with Nic (Annette Benning) and Jules (Julianne Moore) in The Kids Are All Right, … Continue reading