Say hello to man’s new best friends

I first met Darius as he careened past me in a doorway, attempting to dart down the stairs behind us. It was a bit of a shock, frankly. This was my first visit to a no-kill animal shelter, and wasn’t quite prepared for how overwhelming the experience would be. I’d always wanted a cat of … Continue reading

Natural monsters

My recreational research of animals and overactive imagination means I often entertain the idea of the possibility of movie monsters being real things.  For me this is my normal thought process and I don’t understand why everyone else isn’t more scared of this shit.  Glow-in-the-dark cat clones are part of our world, what’s so off-the-wall about … Continue reading

The five least romantic animal mating rituals

If you happen to be someone who was alone, forgotten or rejected on Valentines Day you may be thinking: Hell, even a damn dirty ape can get a date, and they don’t even have to send flowers! Why not me?!” Well, here’s a thought to cheer you up: Yes, even stupid animals can find a … Continue reading