Drink tea, for the love of god!

Beverage week. This is a music column. My drink of choice is tea, iced tea. I drink lots of it. Not quite buckets, not quite gallons, but I do drink my fair share. I love it. Ask anyone. My life is cluttered with glass bottles. Often I am like Stephen Fry’s portrayal of Wellington in … Continue reading

My life in liquid: beverages I have known, loved and exploited

Beverages have represented different things to me at various times in my life, and I find that my drink preferences can be easily broken down into clearly defined eras, each with its own, distinctive needs. Those needs were not always satiated, but boy, it didn’t stop me from trying using whatever was sloshing around in … Continue reading

A Moscow Mule, in a copper mug

I am mainly a beer drinker, but I like to say I am an “equal opportunity drinker,” so I will try anything once. When I was prepping for my recent journey to the Keweenaw Peninsula (some 550 miles away from me in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula), I reached out a friend who attended college in the … Continue reading

Coffee, I owe you my life

You’re the first thing I think of in the morning. I’ve never smoked, but I imagine it’s a similar craving. Should I make a pot or run to the corner café? When my head is heavy with sinusitis, it’s impossible to lift it off the pillow.  On these days I need coffee to keep me … Continue reading

A girl’s guide to road trips: Choose your own adventure

Ladies and gents, in grand Jack Kerouac fashion, I’m driving as we speak across Nebraska and Wyoming, headed for the land of fog and seafood and fabulous people–San Francisco. I’ll continue my post about my grandparents next week. Because my family was never super wealthy and because they liked the kind of torture that only … Continue reading