A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 2

In 2003 Lars Von Trier decided to become the rock in some else’s shoe. That lucky someone was fellow Dane and film maker, Jorgen Leth. Leth had, in 1967, created a short film called The Perfect Man, of which Von Trier is a huge fan. He invites Leth out of retirement to take part in a … Continue reading

A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 1

I had long been considering writing a piece about Danish director, Lars Von Trier, but had never really gotten around to it. Then, at the Cannes film festival press conference for his latest film, Melancholia, Von Trier declared himself to be a “Nazi” and “sympathetic to Hitler.” Well, all right. I suppose that now is … Continue reading