Take me out

Thanks to a rather fortunate series of circumstances, I’ve been able to avoid going for a big grocery shopping trip for more than two weeks. Here are the tactics I used, and you can use them too to be as lazy as me: 1. Get someone else to cook. Writing a food column that people … Continue reading

I N C E P T I O N: Cookies

We interrupt our regularly scheduled healthy programming for some dessert. And probably diabetes. My boyfriend Charlie just moved to San Francisco for a new job. While I had my family’s help moving from Michigan to Boston, he called up some movers for most of his things, packed the rest into his car, and drove west. … Continue reading

Broiler alert: salmon


I hate to admit it, but all this cooking I’ve done in the name of The F Word means that I’ve advanced. I don’t know that I can call myself a novice anymore. This doesn’t mean I’m going to start making soufflés (but ooh, soufflés) or lecturing you about the best kinds of olive oil. … Continue reading

Sweet potato soup: a love letter

finished soup

After my not-so-healthy foray into sweet potato territory last week, I decided this week to make that soup that I avoided last week. I was a little hesitant because my last attempt at a similar soup with butternut squash didn’t turn out very well—the texture was too grainy and I ended up doing the unthinkable … Continue reading

Time to (wo)man up: sweet potato risotto

Last week I began my quest to incorporate more of Alton Brown’s suggestions into my eating. Instead of planning ahead, I grabbed some pre-cubed sweet potatoes at the grocery store and figured I would decide what to do with them later. A few days of eating rice and eggs later, I checked the expiration date … Continue reading

Virtue in a hurry

While it’s probably not always evident here at “The F Word,” healthy eating is a priority of mine. I tend to keep in shape by working out 5 or 6 times a week to compensate for any chocolate, burgers, or beer that I may or may not eat that week. I refuse to diet. At … Continue reading

Gouda-stuffed chicken, in spite of myself

A few weeks ago, we had our work holiday party. Besides the fact that there was lots of free food and free booze, there was also a raffle for lots of different things. I’m a sucker for raffles and giveaways and handouts—who doesn’t love free shit? I put some tickets in for the massage, but … Continue reading

Cookies roasting on an open fire

The holidays are a time for spending time with your family (if you like them), or trying to get out of spending time with your family (if you don’t), a time for resting, and most of all, a time for eating. If you’re a grown-up like me, the holidays are also a time of obligation. … Continue reading

The butternut squash battle

An indeterminate amount of time ago, my aunt gave me a big butternut squash from her garden. I thanked her and acted excited like any good niece should, but I was a little nervous. Not only had I never cooked butternut squash before, but I wasn’t even sure that I liked it. I hemmed and … Continue reading

Breakfast for dinner

Last night, I’d planned on using up the basil that’s about to go bad in my fridge to make a bacon quiche. But by the time I got home, it was almost 7:30 p.m., and I’d forgotten my roommate was having friends over. There’s nothing to kill your cooking ambitions like a kitchen full of … Continue reading