The newspapers of yore

I love newspapers. When I was a kid we got two on weekdays — the Detroit Free Press and the Lansing State Journal — and every morning I started off with the comics (the Free Press was way better in this regard, and many others, than the Journal). On Sundays, once they finally began delivering … Continue reading

Little girl lost

I just missed your heart. Hanna (2011) begins and ends with that line, but it doesn’t feel the same way the second time. When Hanna first utters it she is standing over a deer she has just hit with an arrow.  Its breathing is panicked and frightened. She quickly (and somewhat coldly) puts it out … Continue reading

Interview with Neil Jackson

Actor, writer, producer. Villain, vampire, coach. Neil Jackson has worn many faces. In America, he’s known for his performances in Push (2009), Quantum of Solace (2008), Alexander (2004), Blade: The Series and ABC’s Make It or Break It. His British acting resume is equally rich, including such series as Heartbeat, Ultimate Force, Silent Witness, Dream … Continue reading

Bond, James Bond

Sometimes you get really lucky on Netflix Watch Instant, like when Mysterious Cities of Gold is added (note: the last three episodes are CRAZY) or when the entire run (or most of) one film series is made available. The latter is true, at least for the next few days or so, in regards to the … Continue reading

Limitless: A movie where some things happen

My last few posts for The Idler’s “In The Queue” column were enjoyable to write but a bit heady. I don’t really want to carve out the brainspace for a post that requires thinking. So instead of packing or cleaning or any of the other things I should do before I fly for the holidays … Continue reading

Wishlist: The Cinephiles

A new P.T. Anderson film So apparently The Master is back on! It looks like I got my Christmas wish from last year after all! I just had to be patient, which is a virtue I have in spades. WHAT?! It’s STILL in post?! Mother… Surround sound As a child I owned a tiny, red-and-white … Continue reading

Going back to the disc

I am one of the many who, when Netflix split the fees for streaming from those for DVD rentals, decided to go streaming-only. When I’d had both, the sixth disk for the first season of Glee languished by my tv set for months. It would probably still be there if they hadn’t threatened to make … Continue reading

Where have all the Muppets gone?

There’s something so sincere about Muppets. Though made of felt in Crayola colors, they seem to radiate something more human than the human. A stringy ear shake from Sesame Street’s Barkley, a gentle spindly-frog-armed gesture from Kermit, a huffy contraction of the snout from Piggy –these non-verbal cues were so expressive and meaningful and alive. The … Continue reading

Indie-pendence day

Believe it or not, Kevin Smith is complaining via Twitter again. I know, I know. It’s wildly out of character, but there it is: How the f**k did the @SpiritAwards NOT nominate Michael Parks? Nor John Goodman? Nor Melissa Leo? F**k your idiotic organization. #FakeIndie Smith is referring to his latest release, Red State (2011), about … Continue reading

I’m thankful for…

Now is the time of year when we are forced asked to be thankful for something. Anything. Really, anything at all. Go ahead and think of something, I’ll wait. A few items topped my list: a girlfriend who talks to me, zero appearances in court, and a library of films and TV shows available for … Continue reading