Making the move: On being a bicoastal hockey fan

To be perfectly honest, hockey has not been at the top of the brain for the last month. I moved from San Francisco to Philadelphia over the weekend and the cross-country switch has been preoccupying, to put it mildly. Maybe that’s part of the reason why I got home (my parents’ home — still apartment … Continue reading

Indie-pendence day

Believe it or not, Kevin Smith is complaining via Twitter again. I know, I know. It’s wildly out of character, but there it is: How the f**k did the @SpiritAwards NOT nominate Michael Parks? Nor John Goodman? Nor Melissa Leo? F**k your idiotic organization. #FakeIndie Smith is referring to his latest release, Red StateĀ (2011), about … Continue reading

Watching the watchmen

The first round of the State Farm Home Run Derby lasted two hours. Despite running 3 miles in the gross humidity just before it started, I decided to tweet it — I toweled off first. Between my own disgusting scent and the presence of the vile Chris Berman (on television — not in my home), … Continue reading