Radio gaga

In the Winter of 2004, at the behest of our store’s promotions coordinator I participated in my first radio show. In Lansing there is a local city newspaper named City Pulse, founded and edited by a fellow named Berl Schwartz. I was asked to call in on a Saturday morning to comment on something, in … Continue reading

Watching the watchmen

The first round of the State Farm Home Run Derby lasted two hours. Despite running 3 miles in the gross humidity just before it started, I decided to tweet it — I toweled off first. Between my own disgusting scent and the presence of the vile Chris Berman (on television — not in my home), … Continue reading

Pandering with p-words

Self-evident fact number one: women like sports, and as such, we watch sports on television. And, yeah, we get that far less than zero percent of all advertising or promotional marketing is aimed at us. Which is fine. I don’t need a pink Detroit Tigers cap, or a pink baseball shaped keychain, or a pink … Continue reading

The perfect pleasure of Rod Allen

Texieria is a good defensive third basemen. He has won a gold glove. . . mainly because of his offense. —Rod Allen, Tigers color commentator You know how I feel about sub-par broadcasters like Joe Buck. But perhaps my harsh review of Buck’s lack-of-excitement cliché-ridden brand of sport-calling is partly due to having had a … Continue reading

A night without #winning

Angela Vasquez-Giroux live-tweeted the Tigers’ second game of the season in New York. Which, sadly, was carried on Fox with the painfully inept Joe Buck behind the mic. Read all about it in “A night without #winning” on Storify