Schumer humor

Amy Schumer’s first hour-long special, “Mostly Sex Stuff,” recently aired on Comedy Central. I’ve read some negative reviews claiming that she’s just another typical female comedian, oversexed, and too caught up in talking about dating, but I tend not to agree. One brilliant internet dude claims that we shouldn’t bother with Amy because if we’ve … Continue reading

A little bit funny

AMC’s much anticipated Mad Men premiere came and went this past Sunday night and boy did it leave me feeling. . . funny. This show that once revelled in style, laid on the cool and laid it on thick, has definitely gone through some changes. Following Don Draper’s lead, where the feel was once confident, … Continue reading

Pee-pee envy: The hot and heartbreaking sexual appeal of Russell Brand

I am a bit late to the Russell Brand boat, I think. My brushes with current pop culture are piecemeal and oddball, and mainstream stuff tends to pass me by. Although Russell Brand is only recently mainstream, I think. At least in America.   I first saw Brand in what I believe were the commercials … Continue reading