Will the real Louis CK please stand up?

Hosting Saturday Night Live was a big deal for Louis C.K. Sure, anyone who hosts at least seems to realize the import of their insertion soundly into popular culture through this practice, but I still imagine this experience was a little more stirring for someone like Louis. Unlike a trendy young starlet, quirky pro athlete, … Continue reading

My funny Valentine

Louis C.K. is a forty-something year old divorced dude comedian with two kids.  He lives in New York City, he hates a lot of stuff, he’s perennially grumpy, and he’s quickly become one of my favorite comedians. . . like, of all time ever in the universe.  Serious business. I thought it might be nice, … Continue reading

Painfully good times with Louis C.K.

I wasn’t going to like Louis C.K. In all my infinite wisdom, I had him pegged without ever having heard a word from his act. Angry New York (male) comedian. Blah blah blah, Fuck this, Fuck that, I hate the world, woman as butt of joke, “foreigner” as butt of joke, fuck fuck hate, fuck … Continue reading