Restaurant Week 2010, or, The week-long food coma (part 1)

I turned in this week’s column late because I was laying in my bed on Friday night, unable to move even my fingers to type, and contemplating never eating again. I thought the feeling of hunger was going to become a distant memory. I managed to drag myself out of bed this morning to go for a much, much-needed run and felt the last two weeks of food course through my arteries as my heart tried to pump blood through them. I’m recovering from Restaurant Week.

Every year for two weeks, Bostonians celebrate Restaurant Week, when restaurants all around the city offer fixed-price menus: two-course lunches for $15.10, three course lunches for $22.10, and three-course dinners for $32.10. This means that you get to try restaurants that you’d normally never walk into because their food looks more like art than something you want to ingest, or you can have a three-course meal (minus alcohol, and tip, of course) without falling into poverty for the following few weeks.

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