EarthBound: Expectations

There is no doubt this game is strange and, by all rights, I should love it for its quirkiness alone. I mean, I can’t tell you how many ostensibly terrible anime series I found myself plowing through in order to simple find the goodness. Sadly, I think Earthbound was doomed from the start. The graphics … Continue reading

EarthBound: Hokey Pokey

I have made it to Fourside, which according to the Player’s Guide, is supposed to be some kind of New York City analogue. Interesting, considering Fourside has some of the least amount of “citizens” walking around when compared to the smaller towns. But, it does have a Dinosaur Museum. Which is great. However, the main … Continue reading

EarthBound: Make or break

All right. For the past few weeks, EarthBound has given me a great platform for writing about my unsettled personal life. My more astute readers, however, will observe that I haven’t spent much time actually playing the game. Based on this week’s posts, Daniel is finding food for thought and making good progress, and Andrew … Continue reading

EarthBound: I loathe this game

I’ve been slowly slogging throw this game and I am, quite frankly, close to throwing in the towel. I just got through the Saturn Valley area Daniel mentioned last week, but in order to do that I had to get through Master Blech‘s Factory which required a password for entry, namely not touching the controller … Continue reading

EarthBound: They call me Mr. Saturn

EarthBound is not lacking in the quirky characters department in the least. This is a good thing, as it is one of the game’s strong points. There are plenty of What the French Toast? moments in EarthBound. Case in point, Mr. Saturn. That is to say, all of the Mr. Saturns. Yes, there is more … Continue reading

EarthBound: I don’t feel well

I was going to give up on this whole “my life is a lot like EarthBound right now” thing, or at least dial it back a little. Really I was. And then last Monday, as I was having pizza with old Lansing friends who no longer live in Lansing at our favorite Lansing pizza place … Continue reading

EarthBound: Let’s roll another boulder up the hill, shall we?

I am two hours into a six hour evening train ride from Saint Louis to Kansas City. The long weekend has consisted largely of couch sleeping and liver-angering evenings. The sun has set, discouraging me to mindlessly gawp at small Midwestern towns, some dude, last stop, picked me to accidentally bump legs with for the … Continue reading

Earthbound: The things we carry

Part of me wants to start this column by saying that I’ve played a lot of RPGs, but that’s probably not objectively true. It would be far more accurate to say that I’ve played a lot of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games. So while the item management system in EarthBound feels revolutionary, I don’t … Continue reading

EarthBound: Getting started, getting started

EarthBound is a challenging choice for the Gamers’ Club for the same reason, hopefully, that it will be an interesting one. Last week, I wrote that playing EarthBound made one a member of an exclusive club, which is true mostly because the game itself is so hard to find. The only official release of EarthBound … Continue reading

EarthBound: A spiteful crow stole my breadroll

Unlike many other RPGs (“Role-Playing Games” for you Normals), EarthBound (for Super Nintendo) has you name all of the characters at the start of the game, even though you won’t see all of them until later. I indulged a bit and set Ness’s name as Dan, but kept the rest of the names their defaults: … Continue reading