The alien on my DVR

It probably says a lot about me that the first show I ever recorded with a DVR was ALF. No, not some new reboot. The original show from the 1980s. Yes, I now have access to a state of the art TV recording device, and I use it to record sitcom reruns. Don’t judge. Like … Continue reading

A talk radio host and the talking cure

When it comes to this, the greatest of seasons, that wonderful time in which we are gifted new television shows from the networks, writers, and actors, I expect to take the good with the bad. Pilots are pilots; they are rough and rusty little things, that are trying (often too hard) to get noticed when … Continue reading

What I’m Watching: Roundup finale

Whitney (NBC, Thursdays) Like Two Broke Girls, I had high hopes for this one. Whitney Cummings is a solid, risk-taking, wise-cracking comedian. I like her for how far she’s willing to push a joke, not for how high the network can hike her mini skirt. However, NBC seems to value the latter more than the … Continue reading

What I’m Watching: The New Girl

The New Girl (Fox, Tuesdays) Okay, so this is a show I didn’t expect to like. Zooey Deschanel is always so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed with her twee little singing voice and her goody-goody cotton outfits and her healthy eating habits and her Death Cab for Cutie husband. Bah! I half expect pink bunnies to pop … Continue reading

What I’m Watching: Two Broke Girls

The leaves are dropping and getting crunchy. I’ve donned my first pair of patterned tights for the season. Fall is officially here and with it a brand new TV schedule. Why Thanksgiving is not aligned with premiere week, I will never know — I could definitely use some pie to accompany this couch potato. Since … Continue reading