Three meditations on Journey

The first time I played Journey, I was a sojourner in a strange land. I started alone, climbing a sand dune to catch my first glimpse of a mountain with a brilliant light glowing at its peak. As I walked toward the mountain, I encountered a glowing mark which wrapped itself around my neck and … Continue reading

The world doesn’t end

After 50 very pleasant hours playing BioWare’s Mass Effect 2, I’m at something of a loss to make sense of what just happened. Perhaps it’s useful to begin with my description of those 50 hours as “pleasant,” which isn’t quite correct. There was a tremendous — and very interesting — tension at work during my … Continue reading

Let me tell you a story

Video games are a troublesome medium. Rogert Ebert, famously, isn’t convinced that they’re art. Even those of us who love video games are often apologetic. Yes, many video games are just terrible. Yes, it’s true that no video game can stand up to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, or Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, or Ulysses. … Continue reading

Slammed at the Moth Story Slam

If you’ve never heard of the Moth Story Slam here’s what it is: Awesome. Every month Cliff Bell’s in downtown Detroit hosts this fantastic little competition MC’d by the hilarious Alex Trajano of WDET. The idea is people from the audience throw their name in a hat and ten people are chosen to tell a … Continue reading