Three strides back and kind of OK with it

Have I mentioned that there are too many Best Picture nominees? Has that come up before? I digress. Once again find myself a few movies shy of the full category. And although I did manage to sneak The Help in at the buzzer – too late for an article – I was unable to get … Continue reading

Silence is golden. . . maybe

The Artist is a much cheekier film than I had expected going in, because as much as it strives for (and attains) authenticity it also spends a good deal of time winking at those who don’t like (or at least think they don’t like) silent films. Its story is a sort of mash-up of Singing … Continue reading

The red-headed stepchild

The first Golden Globes awards ceremony was held in 1944, approximately thirteen years after the first Academy Awards ceremony. The big winner that night was The Song of Bernadette (1943), which took home the Best Actress, Best Director and the coveted Best Picture awards. It was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar as well, but … Continue reading