Springtime daydreams

Usually it’s mid-February before this particular bit of ants-in-my-mental-pants begins: the hint of grass I catch scenting the wind when I’m bringing the dogs indoors; the memory of the particular perfume dirt and sweat and freshly washed uniforms concoct, the way the dirt of the infield lingers so that later, your lips taste like beating … Continue reading

Killer yeast

When my friend and Idler editor Gavin suggested that I make cinnamon rolls, I jumped at the chance. I love to bake—everything makes so much sense when you’re baking. There’s none of the stupid ambiguity that exists in cooking (cook until done? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?), and if you just follow directions, everything comes out … Continue reading

January 10-15, 2011

Mike Vincent continues his list of favorite albums of 2010 with a disc that isn’t even music. That’s right. Find out what it is in “On my way”

Kevin Mattison won’t tell you exactly what happened at the New York Critics Circle awards dinner on Monday night (after all, he wasn’t there), but he’ll tell you why the evening’s host, New York Press film critic Armond White, was in the wrong. Read “The debacle at the New York Critics Circle awards dinner, or, What do I know about anything? (The redux)”

The Gamers’ Club is playing Final Fantasy VII. Read “Back to the map” by Gavin Craig, “Adventures in cross-dressing” by Daniel J. Hogan, and “Breadth and depth” by Andrew Simone

In a winter funk? Stuck at home during a long snowy night with nothing to do? Rosemary Van Deuren has your back with Flipside’s “Top ten funny YouTube links for insomniacs”

Angela Vasquez-Giroux offers fair warning: This week’s “Project 3B” involves graphic depiction of numerous sports injuries. And John Cougar Mellencamp lyrics. Read “Make it hurt so good”

Jill Kolongowski had always assumed that Gouda cheese was good for cooking. Read as she talks herself into a block and has to find out in “Gouda-stuffed chicken, in spite of myself”

On my way

Aziz Ansari—Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening Released January 18, 2010 I love comedy records. Always have. Wrote about them a few months ago. I love finding something new, something that makes me laugh out loud, something that just brings joy like a good comedy record does. This is one of those CDs. I have … Continue reading

The debacle at the New York Critics Circle awards dinner, or, What do I know about anything? (The redux)

Those unfamiliar with New York Press film critic Armond White owe themselves a stop at his rottentomatoes.com profile.  White, notorious for his contrarian, strange and often needlessly venomous reviews (he called Dinner for Schmucks an “idiot film for idiots”), recently hosted the 76th annual New York Critics Circle awards dinner, where he exchanged some very … Continue reading

FFVII: Breadth and depth

Midgar seems like such a short section of the game now, but I remember thinking that disk one had to close to the end. Of course, this is far from the case. The game doesn’t really get started until disk two, everything else is just setup. This makes booting up the game something of a … Continue reading

FFVII: Adventures in cross-dressing

I was able to play quite a bit over the holidays, so I apologize for the big jump from last week’s post. Fear not though, there is still plenty of game left to play. Anywho, one of the wackier points of the games when Cloud has to cross dress in order to save Tifa, aka … Continue reading

FFVII: Back to the map

Daniel, I’m really happy that you posted about the Sector 7 plate collapse this week, as it was one of the two big moments in my gameplay so far. While I agree with you that FFVII’s action starts off strong, the story has some fits and starts in the first few hours. As you noted, … Continue reading

Top ten funny YouTube links for insomniacs

Looking for an excuse to check your email one more time before bed? Or maybe you’re just up late answering the siren song of the interwebs while you worry about loved ones, career, or the eternal blackness. Whatever the reason you’re sitting at your comp when you should totally be sleeping, here are some of … Continue reading

Make it hurt so good

1. When I was in sixth grade—the last year I played Little League fast pitch softball before quitting until high school—my coach, Mr. Tersigni, would pile us all into the back of his Ford Bronco and take us to Dairy Queen after a win. While the experience of that last season and my volatile coach … Continue reading