Wild Thing, or, Poem For Matt Anderson, Attempting a Comeback

They said he looked like Jesus, his beard full. They said he looked like Jesus when he walked in the gym, six years out of the major leagues and what, exactly, does that mean, like Jesus? Did they mean he was starved, like Jesus in the desert, forty days and whatnot and desperate to make … Continue reading

Virtue in a hurry

While it’s probably not always evident here at “The F Word,” healthy eating is a priority of mine. I tend to keep in shape by working out 5 or 6 times a week to compensate for any chocolate, burgers, or beer that I may or may not eat that week. I refuse to diet. At … Continue reading

January 17-22, 2011

Mike Vincent continues his list of favorite albums of 2010 with a group that found its way back into his good graces. Read “Chemical dependence”

You probably watched the Golden Globes, but Kevin Mattison isn’t sure why you bothered. He makes his case for skipping the whole thing next year in “The red-headed stepchild”

New columnist Kate Sloan’s “Drawn & Paneled” will cover comics and graphic novels for The Idler, and she gets started today with her unrequited soul mate, Alison Bechdel. Read “Watching out for Alison Bechdel”

The Gamers’ Club is playing Final Fantasy VII. Read “Endings are different all over” by Gavin Craig, “Who’s the villain?” by Daniel J. Hogan, and “The scene is set” by Andrew Simone

Who was that hyper-aware, social misfit comedian you used to like who had a gift for imitating just about anyone? Maria Bamford is better. Ana Holguin proves it in “Maria Bamford: in-house comic”

Since visualization is a key part of any training regimen, Angela Vasquez-Giroux offers some “Springtime daydreams” for Project 3B.

In “The F Word,” Jill Kolongowski makes cinnamon rolls from scratch (goes for a run, and slips into a butter-and-sugar coma). Read “Killer yeast”

Chemical dependence

Chemical Brothers—Further Released June 22, 2010 I can’t remember where I first heard their music, but I can remember where I first heard about their music. It was in a year end issue of the NME in 1996. It was actually the year-end issue for 1995 and there was the standard year-end review of the … Continue reading

The red-headed stepchild

The first Golden Globes awards ceremony was held in 1944, approximately thirteen years after the first Academy Awards ceremony. The big winner that night was The Song of Bernadette (1943), which took home the Best Actress, Best Director and the coveted Best Picture awards. It was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar as well, but … Continue reading

Watching out for Alison Bechdel

The post-holiday, non-magical half of the winter is officially upon us, folks, bringing with it salt hardened pant legs and frozen lungs. If there’s one thing I like about the reclusive dog days of winter, it’s all the extra time that having no life frees up for reading. Fact: without distractions like sun, friends, and … Continue reading

FFVII: The scene is set

I’ll admit it. I am lagging way behind, but I can’t help but want to mine every last detail in the Cloud’s flashback in Kalm. It sets up so much more than the game lets on and every little detail counts. This little scene, for instance, has far greater significance than you would first imagine. … Continue reading

FFVII: Endings are different all over

Daniel, I may just let you write before me the rest of the way through the game because you always give me so much good stuff to respond to. And I need that this week, since I had something of a disaster. I visited Kalm. I found out what happened when Cloud and Sephiroth visited … Continue reading

FFVII: Who’s the villain?

Before landing in Costa Del Sol, the swanky beach resort town of FFVII, I had a boss battle with Jenova. This creature, or whatever the hell it is, happens to be a leftover specimen of an old race of magical beings. And Sephiroth, the white-haired villain Cloud is chasing, believes it to be his “mother.” … Continue reading

Maria Bamford: in-house comic

Maria Bamford is a woman of many voices, many addictions, many neuroses. A self-proclaimed “semi-successful comedian,” you might have seen her stand-up featured on Comedy Central, or you might recognize her from a string of holiday Target commercials in which she plays an odd and tightly wound Christmas-obsessed shopper. Or maybe you’ve never heard of … Continue reading