Other things may change us, but we start and end with family

I’m going to be real about this: I’m not sure why The Fighter is nominated. I realize that this was a bit of a down year, but what is it about this film that warrants Best Picture consideration? I think that having a ten film category to fill may have had something to do with … Continue reading

The (geek) kings of all media

Idler writer Daniel J. Hogan and I talk video games at length in this week’s edition of Daniel’s Podcast “Ginger and the Geek.” It’s a fun conversation, and highlights include the insight that aging livers might play a critical role in the downfall of the Guitar Hero/Rock Band franchise, which may itself bode well for … Continue reading

FFVII: Enemy mine

There is one big advantage I have by playing this game in 2011 vs. 1997: Being of Legal Drinking Age The Internet. Yes, yes, the Internet was around in 1997, but it has grown in content and usability considerably since then–and gamers have certainly benefited. In 1997, I had subscriptions to video game magazines as … Continue reading


Now I lurve me some FFVII, if you haven’t guessed yet, but what caused me to love FFVII was the early, SNES version of FFIV. The game seemed to lock in a lot of tropes for the series. Rydia was a summoner; Edward “Edge” Geraldine was a ninja, much like Yuffie, but the skill “throw” … Continue reading

FFVII: Jumping off the rails

This week’s lesson, if there are lessons in this mind-bogglingly late first time through 1997’s Final Fantasy VII, is that it’s entirely possible to overthink things. Last week, I complained about feeling a bit bogged down, and being saddled with a character like Vincent Valentine who, once you get past the cool emo vibe, can … Continue reading

Watching the detectives

By nature I’m impatient. I find watching shows during their regular season excruciating, the week (or WEEKS) between episodes is an eternity. I’m strictly a marathon girl. I consume words and film voraciously. I watch entire seasons of a show on a Sunday. I read graphic novels in single sitting, breaking only for grilled cheese … Continue reading

Love Letter Postmarked Michigan and Trumball

It’s time. Pitchers and catchers have reported to Lakeland. I saw five birds on my run yesterday. The snow is melting. We’re (allegedly) going to have an early spring. It’s a day after Valentine’s, and all I can think about is how much I love the Tigers. LOVE LETTER POSTMARKED MICHIGAN AND TRUMBALL It’s the … Continue reading

The five least romantic animal mating rituals

If you happen to be someone who was alone, forgotten or rejected on Valentines Day you may be thinking: Hell, even a damn dirty ape can get a date, and they don’t even have to send flowers! Why not me?!” Well, here’s a thought to cheer you up: Yes, even stupid animals can find a … Continue reading

On being lame: bringing lunch to work

When I first moved to Boston, I had this silly image of myself as some hot, high-powered career bitch, probably wearing a pencil skirt with some incredible heels, but maybe with some hipster glasses to show people that I have a (not-so-)secret life as a writer. I hate Starbucks coffee, but I’d still get a … Continue reading

What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?

Gavin Craig: I’m not really the romantic sort. That said, I’m facing a perfect storm this Valentine’s Day. It’s the ten-year anniversary of my first date with my wife. (Yeah, that’s right. Our first date was on Valentine’s Day. What?) We eloped exactly six months later. And a year after that, we did a ceremony … Continue reading