Darwin Carmichael is karmically fkd, you guys

Are you worried you’re karmically fkd? Have you accidentally ruined a deity’s life? The time to repent is nigh. Probably your eternal damnation is not as much of a lock as this guy. Darwin Carmichael is karmically fkd, you guys. This should come as no surprise seeing as how his damnation is broadcast all over … Continue reading

FFVII: The end

At last. This experiment is finally at an end. Sort of. By sort of, I mean I defeated the game—specifically Sephiroth in all of his forms—and watched the end movies. But am I finished? Hardly. There is a lot of game left. Sigh. I saved in the North Crater just before the final battles, which … Continue reading

FFVII: Now that’s an ending

As promised last week, it’s done. Sephiroth has gone down. The logistics: I’ve been playing with the final battle party, and while my last go-round might have worked if the game hadn’t frozen up on me, I did things a bit differently this time. Before making my way into the Northern Crater, I stocked up … Continue reading

FFVII: It is finished

Well, sort of. Real men, as a friend quipped, kill Emerald Weapon, not Sephiroth, for old time’s sake. And, I suppose, he’s right, considering how easy it is to bear Sephiroth, but it doesn’t make me any less happy to be done with the game. Don’t here what I am not saying, I love FFVII … Continue reading

Prime time presentation

Like many fathers with an artistically-inclined son, mine made great efforts to transform me into an athlete. He signed me up for a flag football league, in which I barely played. I wasn’t quite fast enough and my hands and brain were not on speaking terms.  Besides, the team was terrible enough without me. We … Continue reading

On winning and losing it

I like to think of myself as someone with a good sense of humor. I “get” comedy stylings ranging from Andy Kauffman’s violent vignettes of discomfort to Andy Samberg’s dormitory humor. Lucy and Ethel to Roseanne. Carlin, Chappelle and Cho? Seen them all live. Okay, I do draw the line of funny with certain figures—I … Continue reading

Why I watch baseball, or, falling in love with Jim Leyland

(spoken in Boyz II Men mid-song-“talking-to-you-girl”-voice) Baby, there’s something I need to tell you. I cheated. This column idea wasn’t mine—it was actually equal parts suggestion from Joshua Pugh and Brett McDonald. I know, I know, baby, it is worse that I mashed them together. But hear me out. I don’t remember watching my first … Continue reading

Eight weeks to nowhere

Trying to get into the habit of going to the gym by telling myself that from now on I would go at least 4 times a week and exercise for at least 30 minutes on something, anything, wasn’t working. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t constantly thinking that I really ought to make … Continue reading

How we are hungry

This week, I made the sweet potato soup I made last week again, this time with pre-cubed sweet potatoes. Even though this soup is not terribly time-consuming, it takes a good 45 minutes before I’m sitting down to eat. By then, I’m so hungry that I scarf it down, usually while I read. I started … Continue reading

March 14-19, 2011

Texting after 2 a.m. = bad idea, and Teal Amthor-Shaffer tells you why in “Textual harassment” (In fact, maybe you should just rethink all your texting habits. Srsly.)

Kevin Mattison watches two films about men in the world’s second-oldest profession, Jean Pierre Melville’s Le Samouraï (1967) and Anton Corbijn’s The American (2010). Both revolve around men who live lives of disciplined self-erasure, who ultimately fail to be faceless. Read “Those who serve”

Kate Sloan was going to do a little light reading, but she read Alissa Torres and Sungyoon Choi’s American Widow, which is elegant, devastating, and a reminder that while we all lived through 9/11, a few people lived through a lot more than the rest of us. Read “Death, birth, rebirth”

The Gamers’ Club is playing Final Fantasy VII. Read “So close” by Gavin Craig, “Wasting time” by Daniel J. Hogan, and “Game over” by Andrew Simone

Gavin Craig loves Batman (didn’t you notice?), but the under-read, absolutely brilliant gem of the Batman universe is Ed Brubaker and Greg Rucka’s 2003-2006 series Gotham Central. Batman is barely in it. It’s amazing. Read “The badges behind the bat”

It’s Angela Vasquez-Giroux’s birthday, people. Check out her training & gear wish list in “31 candles”

Jill Kolongowski decides that it’s time to give both sweet potatoes and soup another go, and it all ends with slightly reddened cheeks. Read “Sweet potato soup: a love letter”