Five ways of looking at Ryan Raburn

1. He’s a mediocre hitter who heats up as the season wears on but doesn’t really seem to learn much as the years advance. To wit, his strikeouts have been nearly dead even with—or eclipsed—his hit total every year he’s recorded stats in the majors. Despite having played alongside some of the best hitters in … Continue reading

Vegetable Challenge: (What the h is) chard?

The problem with trying to eat more vegetables is that vegetables are pretty gross. Once I went public with my non-vegetable ways, I received lots and lots of recipes suggesting I drown the veggies in cheese or butter and voila! now I’d have eaten some veggies. But kids, you know that that doesn’t count. If … Continue reading

May 30-June 3, 2011

Kevin Mattison continues his gentle dissection of Lars Von Trier, finding evidence of his unique brand of aesthetic sadism in 2003’s The Five Obstructions and finally taking a close look at what might possibly have motivated him to call himself a Nazi at Cannes. Read “A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 2”

There are no drawings, no characters, and no plots. It reads like a series of engagingly bleak and surprisingly sentimental haikus, but it consists of three panels and it’s online, so Kate Sloan is calling it a web comic, dammit. It’s A Softer World, and you can read about it in “Truth & beauty bombs”

The Portal video games are popular, engaging, and have a smart sense of humor, but what exactly are they? Pacifist first-person shooters? Puzzle games gone mad? Something else entirely? Gavin Craig sorts it out in “Sucked in”

Warm weather in Boston can make Jill Kolongowski a bit nostalgic for sitting by a Michigan lake with a cold one, so she makes some. Cold ones. Popsicles, that is. Read “Summer in the city”

A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 2

In 2003 Lars Von Trier decided to become the rock in some else’s shoe. That lucky someone was fellow Dane and film maker, Jorgen Leth. Leth had, in 1967, created a short film called The Perfect Man, of which Von Trier is a huge fan. He invites Leth out of retirement to take part in a … Continue reading

Truth & beauty bombs

The warm weather’s back, comicomrades! You might remember me telling you once upon a winter that I read exponentially more when I can see my breath outside. That statement was stunningly accurate. Sure, I now have the option of reading a zombie novel under a tree in the commons while I get Hemingway drunk on … Continue reading

Sucked in

This is not a post about Portal 2, even though I’ve been playing the game so much that my wife has started to make cracks about me loving the game more than her. (It’s not true, just in case you’re wondering. I’ve been chasing trophies in the single-player game while I wait for the PSN … Continue reading