Wishlist: PopHeart

A Blue, Blue (Seude Shoes) Christmas Brogues, Topshop $130 A little bit 90s Elaine Benes in style, these oxfords will add a hip masculine edge to my typically femme looks. Get out! Charming Jewels Bracelet, BetseyJohnson $65 I’ve always wanted a charm bracelet and this one has a whole menagerie of friendly creatures to name … Continue reading

EarthBound: The end is the beginning is the end

It took longer than I expected (I blame Thanksgiving, and Mysterious Cities of Gold being on Netflix Watch Instant), but I finished playing through EarthBound over the weekend. This was only my second time completing the entire game, and the first time since I was in my early-mid-lower-teens. Now, the big question: When will ALF … Continue reading

Wishlist: Practically awesome

If spending the past two years living in an expensive city has taught me anything, it’s that asking for things you want for the holidays only makes sense if you’re willing to buy yourself all the practical things you need (which I’m not). And also, that rats can be the size of small children. Because … Continue reading

Wishlist: Thoughtcicles

Living in Boston so far has included a lot of walking, listening to music, watching movies and British television, web surfing, baking and cooking and wanting these things: Theremin — shop for it here For anyone unfamiliar with a Theremin it’s the wonderful machine that makes that cool flying saucer noise! Used for the soundtracks … Continue reading

Mac and cheese

Everywhere I go, I’m finding macaroni and cheese. Family restaurants like Max and Erma’s have added it to the menu. For a while, Burger King was offering Kraft mac & cheese as an option in its kid’s meals. It’s become the go-to when my wife and I take the girls out to dinner, and it’s … Continue reading

November 28-December 2, 2011

Kevin Smith has accused the Independent Spirit Awards of losing their independent spirit. Kevin Mattison says that Smith is just complaining because his bad film didn’t get any nominations. Make up your own mind in “Indie-pendence day”

With players like Sydney Crosby and Eric Lindros sidelined — or worse — due to frequent or severe concussions, Yael Borofsky cheers the NHL’s new attention to brain injury. We owe as much to players who sacrifice so much for the game. Read “Coming to a head”

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Daniel J. Hogan lists the titles he’s most grateful for on Netflix streaming. There’s some forgotten animation, men in dresses, and an orangutan in a pickup truck. Get the details in “I’m thankful for. . .”

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Location, location, location” by Daniel J. Hogan

The F Word and The Friendly Foodie are both recovering from Thanksgiving. Jill Kolongowski shares the story of a family in the hospital that ends in a Thanksgiving that she’s truly thankful for in “Giving thanks” Gavin Craig looks for converts to cranberry sauce with an incredibly easy recipe in “Cranberries before you know it”

Indie-pendence day

Believe it or not, Kevin Smith is complaining via Twitter again. I know, I know. It’s wildly out of character, but there it is: How the f**k did the @SpiritAwards NOT nominate Michael Parks? Nor John Goodman? Nor Melissa Leo? F**k your idiotic organization. #FakeIndie Smith is referring to his latest release, Red State (2011), about … Continue reading

Coming to a head

Brains haven’t always been such a big deal in the sports world. As the old adage suggests, brawn — tempered by agility and speed — is the stereotypical currency of elite athletics, and hockey is no exception. But thanks, most recently to Sid the Kid, brains are in the spotlight all across the hockey world … Continue reading