San Francisco weekend eats

As most of you already know, I’m getting ready to move from Boston to San Francisco. I’ve never even been there, so I went a few days early to see the apartment and, more importantly, to eat some food. Charlie’s only been there for a month or so, but he’s already done an A-plus job … Continue reading

The day-long barbecue

Despite writing about food and cooking, most of the time I’d rather just be eating. Eating is immensely more fun than cooking. But there are those rare days when I go all Betty Crocker and want to spend the day in the kitchen. Ever since the grocery store started carrying fresh ears of corn I’ve … Continue reading

Bad-assery and petty crime: risotto without a recipe

I had a grand plan for this weekend. At work, I’ve started my summer schedule, which means I get to leave the office at 12:30 on Friday afternoons. Instead of being the 24-year-old that I am and going out for debauchery and bad decisions, I’ve started making big dinners for myself on Friday nights. It … Continue reading

Vegetable Challenge: (What the h is) chard?

The problem with trying to eat more vegetables is that vegetables are pretty gross. Once I went public with my non-vegetable ways, I received lots and lots of recipes suggesting I drown the veggies in cheese or butter and voila! now I’d have eaten some veggies. But kids, you know that that doesn’t count. If … Continue reading

Summer in the city

The piles of snow have all disappeared. People walk around all pale-armed, looking sideways like a snowstorm might attack them and steal their wallets. I’m starting to break in my feet with flip-flop calluses. It’s finally summer in Boston. But that doesn’t make much of a difference to me, other than a change in footwear … Continue reading

Chicken soup for the sick cook’s soul

Thanks for your patience while I took a week off, dear readers. I rarely get sick but I caught some sort of sinus illness that started off as a fever that had me shivering violently at my desk and coughing up several lungs. I drugged myself up and went to work because I had plans … Continue reading

Take me out

Thanks to a rather fortunate series of circumstances, I’ve been able to avoid going for a big grocery shopping trip for more than two weeks. Here are the tactics I used, and you can use them too to be as lazy as me: 1. Get someone else to cook. Writing a food column that people … Continue reading

I N C E P T I O N: Cookies

We interrupt our regularly scheduled healthy programming for some dessert. And probably diabetes. My boyfriend Charlie just moved to San Francisco for a new job. While I had my family’s help moving from Michigan to Boston, he called up some movers for most of his things, packed the rest into his car, and drove west. … Continue reading

Challenge accepted: vegetables

It’s no surprise to any of you that I hate almost all vegetables. There are a select few that I actually enjoy (corn and potatoes), and others that I tolerate (broccoli, spinach, carrots, cucumber), but I hate all the rest. Even those that I tolerate are really just vehicles for ranch dressing or goat cheese … Continue reading

Liquid indulgence: a personal history of drinking

My birthday weekend started out so tame. A turkey dinner and a cake with candles with my family, and lots of cooking-related gifts, including this. Went home full, loved. The next day, my cube at work was filled with gifts, flowers, a balloon, and cupcakes. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy. One of my … Continue reading