A tale of two cheeses

There’s probably few things that are as personal, as idiosyncratic, or as undeniable as what foods we like and what we don’t like. The word “disgusting” derives from the Middle French word for taste (gouster, now goûter), and even when we’re talking about something other than food, it evokes a deep, visceral sort of revulsion … Continue reading

Trash or treasure: Halloween candy edition

Good morning and Happy Halloween, dear readers! Since most of you aren’t kids, instead of a pillowcase full of half-melted candy, you’re left with makeup cementing your eyes shut, glitter in your hair, welts from your push-up bra, and a headache that even painkillers can’t quite dull. Why were we in such a hurry to … Continue reading

Food, foodies, and jerks

I love food. Mostly I love eating it, but on a good day I’m also capable of taking a great deal of pleasure in cooking. I’m not a natural cook, and I’ll fess up to letting my wife do most of the big meal preparation in our house, although that’s changed a bit in the … Continue reading

Bad swag

Novelty items are popular.  People can’t help buying silly, whimsical merchandise if they think the joke is hysterical or their love for geekery is strong enough.  I am no exception.  I used to own a Kermit the Frog phone.  If the items double as something moderately useful then so much the better! (I’m looking at … Continue reading

Broccoli robbed

If you read between the lines of my last few posts, you’ll notice that I haven’t really been cooking. Not only did I move from one ocean to the other, but I also started a glamorous new lifestyle — freelancing. By glamorous, I mean that it’s an effort to put on pants in the morning … Continue reading

What that drink says about you

On Saturday, I went out to a sort-of-upscale Irish sports bar in the Lower Haight to watch the Michigan State football game with some other alumni. Besides the fact that there would be other green-and-white-clad people there, the bar’s attraction was their bottomless mimosas. For $8, you could have as many of those little darlings … Continue reading

From Hawaii with aloha

Aloha, fair readers. In case you aren’t friends with me on Facebook or didn’t notice my incessant posting, I was in Hawaii last week on a birthday trip from Charlie. We stayed in a hotel a block from Waikiki Beach on the island of Oahu. Waikiki is this sort of strange paradise where everything looks … Continue reading

The Ghiradelli Square Chocolate Festival

It’s Sunday and I’m hungover. This is not your department-store hangover, though. Yesterday, Charlie and I went with our friend Greg to the 19th Annual Ghiradelli Square Chocolate Festival for his birthday. After driving on some roads that looked like they’d lead us off the end of the earth and finding a parking spot that … Continue reading

How to equip your kitchen

In the spirit of Labor Day, I’ve done as little cooking as possible. I did cook up some salmon for the boyfriend, so that he doesn’t completely despair that I’ll ever cook him a nice dinner again. Also I like salmon. As I’ve been unpacking boxes and outfitting my new kitchen, every day is like … Continue reading

The F-Word: year one

I’ll be honest. When I started writing “The F Word” a year ago, it was not my first choice. A regular writing gig? I wanted to have an excuse to read books and write about them, and maybe someone would read it. But I know myself. Reading a book every few weeks and having something … Continue reading