The world doesn’t end

After 50 very pleasant hours playing BioWare’s Mass Effect 2, I’m at something of a loss to make sense of what just happened. Perhaps it’s useful to begin with my description of those 50 hours as “pleasant,” which isn’t quite correct. There was a tremendous — and very interesting — tension at work during my … Continue reading

Wishlist: The Casual Gamer

XBox 360 with Kinect Last year, the PS2 was my console recommendation, based on the assumption that “Casual Gamer” readers are either relative non-gamers, or already own whatever console(s) they really want. This year, coming to the end of the lifespan of the current generation of consoles, prices are down, game libraries are deep, and … Continue reading

Wishlist: Dysphonia

I would like to think that I could whip up a nice, juicy list of things that I desperately want for myself this year. “I would like to” being the operative word as it has proven to be a struggle. Here goes: Opika Pende, Africa at 78 RPM Dust-To-Digital Records This set looks amazing, there … Continue reading

Buying ain’t what it used to be

I’m sitting in the chair as Marcus, one of the students at Barber College of Lansing, finishes my cut. Gotta keep that lineup tight! “Check twenty-three” he says, still chuckling to himself while still processing his mistake. Two weeks ago, we were discussing video games and he was going on about Ninja Gaiden Three  on … Continue reading

EarthBound: The end is the beginning is the end

It took longer than I expected (I blame Thanksgiving, and Mysterious Cities of Gold being on Netflix Watch Instant), but I finished playing through EarthBound over the weekend. This was only my second time completing the entire game, and the first time since I was in my early-mid-lower-teens. Now, the big question: When will ALF … Continue reading

EarthBound: Location, location, location

I will say this about EarthBound, it has no shortage of curveballs and it does take you to some strange locations. In a different role-playing game (RPG), some of the locations may not stand out so much, but given the “suburban” look and feel of most of the game, the more “unique” locales can be … Continue reading

EarthBound: Dungeon Man in the sand

I am currently in the Egypt-themed country of Scaraba, and the story gets pretty interesting. By which I mean, strange. No surprise there, right? Upon arriving in Scaraba, I came upon an NPC on the edge of town and he informed me, “The fat kid did his business over there.” Sure enough, on the sand … Continue reading

EarthBound: Oh, Poo

I added the remaining player character to my party this week: Poo. Yes, that is his name. I read an article where the writer wondered why his Japanese name was not translated as Pu, but given the quirkiness of the game, along with the inclusion of characters like Master Barf, Poo fits. Poo, like Ness … Continue reading

EarthBound: Taking dad’s advice

I’m not totally ready to write off EarthBound. There are, after all, some good things to say about the game. The enemy design is unusual and imaginative, even (or especially) for a genre that spends a lot of time on its bestiaries. I love bumping into tripped-out blue-skinned people who “turn back to normal” at … Continue reading

EarthBound: Cut!

I finally rescued Paula (for the second time) the other night, and I am glad to have her back in the party. I missed her PSI Powers. But, maybe I missed her extra item slots even more (OK, that sounds kind of dirty). Last week, I touched on some of the heavy handed plot elements … Continue reading