A tale of a long dog, his girl and the people that saved them

As a person with general anxiety disorder, one of my not-so-favorite pastimes includes imagining the death of my pets. Don’t worry, it’s not an all-the-time thing, it’s a worrying process smooshed in there with contemplating my failures, considering the nasty thoughts my colleagues and superiors are harboring toward me and imagining my own (surely imminent) … Continue reading

Harry Potter and the evil empire

Two weeks ago, in a corner suite on the fourth floor of the very lovely Hotel Rouge in Washington, D.C.’s tony Dupont Circle neighborhood, I lay on a king sized bed, finished my quinoa/ dried berry / green leaf lettuce / dinner salad, and read the last ten pages of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s … Continue reading

On the Hogwarts Express: Pumpkin Pasties

Because I’m in the process of moving across the country, cooking has been the farthest thing from my mind. I eat odd things at odd hours of the day and spend the rest of the time searching for things I’ve lost in one box or another, lamenting my less-than-stellar eating habits to anyone who will … Continue reading

July 12-15, 2011

Mike Vincent has his ticker checked out, and it gets him thinking about songs with heart. Check out his list in “Heart”

Angela Vasquez-Giroux live-tweets the Home Run Derby, and discovers the transitive douche property. Read “Watching the watchmen”


“OK, we’re gonna give you an EKG now.” With that my doctor and his med student got up and left the room. I sat there with my wacky slightly kimono-esque gown on, one that tied in the front while I waited. A nurse came in with a machine on a cart and began to affix … Continue reading

Watching the watchmen

The first round of the State Farm Home Run Derby lasted two hours. Despite running 3 miles in the gross humidity just before it started, I decided to tweet it — I toweled off first. Between my own disgusting scent and the presence of the vile Chris Berman (on television — not in my home), … Continue reading

July 4-9, 2011

More Germans? More Germans! Mike Vincent writes about the storied, tumultuous collaboration between Michael Rother and Klaus Dinger in “Neu!”

A faux-documentary. On trolls. From Norway. Big ones. Need I say more? Kevin Mattison does in “There are trolls in them thar hills”

Gavin Craig has played LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Batman, and LEGO Harry Potter, and he’s never, ever going to play another LEGO video game again. Find out why in “No more LEGOs”

Ana Holguin had written off Louis CK — too angry, too white, too male — but then she watched his F/X series Louie, and realized that he wrote and directed Pootie Tang. Read “Painfully good times with Louis C.K.”

Jill Kolongowski shows off her street cred (earned or unearned) as she checks out her soon-to-be-local digs in San Francisco. Read “San Francisco weekend eats”


Consider the great bands in music, and then consider what makes these bands rise above the usual accolades into being something great. So many groups have tandems within the band, two artists that provide direction and ability. Two artists who may develop friction. I remember reading about the Clash and coming across a passage describing … Continue reading

There are trolls in them thar hills

I clearly haven’t been paying enough attention to U-verse’s On Demand feature, because it turns out that they’ve been offering advanced rentals of movies not yet in theatres for some time now. What kind of cinephile am I? Since this discovery I have been known to occasionally shut off my Netflix streaming (only occasionally) and … Continue reading

No more LEGOs


I’m done. That is, I’m not quite done, but I’m done. I own several of the Traveler’s Tales LEGO video games. I’ve played the first two LEGO Star Wars games on my GameCube. I unlocked all of the characters, collected all of the mini-kits, earned True Jedi on every level, and unlocked all of the … Continue reading