Julia’s kitchen

My enthusiasm is usually a good sign that something is on the way out, and in fact by the time you read this, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History will have started to take down its display of Julia Child’s kitchen. Originally planned for an 18-month exhibition in 2002, and tucked away out of … Continue reading

Things I should resolve to do in the new year but probably won’t

1. Post fewer pictures of my dogs online or post less about my life in general. Maybe not everyone thinks it’s hilarious when my wiener dog is sleep-farting on the couch. Dachshunds in various states of repose and/or sporting the latest in blanket burrito fashion may only be of interest to other grad school shut-ins. … Continue reading

Watching the book

This past summer summer my husband and I finally got around to painting our living room. The only way I was going to get any painting done was to distract myself with a massive amount of television. I started episode one of Game of Thrones, cracked open a can of paint and I was hooked. … Continue reading

Going back to the disc

I am one of the many who, when Netflix split the fees for streaming from those for DVD rentals, decided to go streaming-only. When I’d had both, the sixth disk for the first season of Glee languished by my tv set for months. It would probably still be there if they hadn’t threatened to make … Continue reading

I’m thankful for…

Now is the time of year when we are forced asked to be thankful for something. Anything. Really, anything at all. Go ahead and think of something, I’ll wait. A few items topped my list: a girlfriend who talks to me, zero appearances in court, and a library of films and TV shows available for … Continue reading

From cringe to cheer: The evolution of foible in Parks & Recreation

It’s hard to recommend a TV show to people and, in the same breath, say “skip the first season.”* “The whole season?” they’ll ask suspiciously, “why?” “Well it’s only six episodes,” you’ll sheepishly reply, “and the show is completely different from that now.” That’s not hyperbole. Parks & Recreation originally started as a spinoff of … Continue reading

Very special Halloween specials

Halloween is absolutely my favorite holiday. Costumes, candy, and best of all, lots of terrific classic scary movies and Halloween specials! Back in the day Sister and I would come home from trick-or-treating to a warm house where we’d salivate in anticipation while our parents checked our candy. We’d darken the living room and switch … Continue reading

What I’m Watching: Roundup finale

Whitney (NBC, Thursdays) Like Two Broke Girls, I had high hopes for this one. Whitney Cummings is a solid, risk-taking, wise-cracking comedian. I like her for how far she’s willing to push a joke, not for how high the network can hike her mini skirt. However, NBC seems to value the latter more than the … Continue reading

What I’m Watching: The New Girl

The New Girl (Fox, Tuesdays) Okay, so this is a show I didn’t expect to like. Zooey Deschanel is always so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed with her twee little singing voice and her goody-goody cotton outfits and her healthy eating habits and her Death Cab for Cutie husband. Bah! I half expect pink bunnies to pop … Continue reading

What I’m Watching: Prime Suspect

Prime Suspect (NBC, Thursdays) First and foremost, watch the original British Prime Suspect starring Helen Mirren. That woman is a goddess for a reason. I watched the series over the summer and was blown away by how intensely it activated my emotions, mostly anger, toward the patriarchy. This program, along with its new American counterpart … Continue reading