A little bit funny

AMC’s much anticipated Mad Men premiere came and went this past Sunday night and boy did it leave me feeling. . . funny. This show that once revelled in style, laid on the cool and laid it on thick, has definitely gone through some changes. Following Don Draper’s lead, where the feel was once confident, … Continue reading

A tale of two Doctors

Having watched all of the modern Doctor Who series and some of the classic Doctor Who series I think I can confidently call myself an unimpeachable expert. My esteemed college and, more importantly, fellow Sarah, has asserted Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor is the best Doctor. While in every subjective way her opinion is … Continue reading

A noob watches Doctor Who

Last year I finally decided to start watching Doctor Who. I’m not sure why I hadn’t before. I think it always seemed too hardcore. Everyone I knew who watched the show was constantly making in-jokes with other Who fans. (One indication of how out of it I am: are fans of the show Who fans … Continue reading

Treat yo’self to Parks and Rec

Awaiting Mad Men’s return and having missed the boat on Downton Abbey (I’ll get there, don’t worry), I’m left in a bit of the television doldrums at the moment.  Though I’m enjoying the zombies of The Walking Dead gnawing on delicious face meat once a week, I can’t honestly say it’s my favorite thing to … Continue reading

Downstairs at Downton Abbey

Well, that’s it for Downton Abbey. I’m not exactly sorry to see it go; this second season was so much soapier and sillier than the first season. A badly burned veteran shows up on their doorstep, claiming to be the long-assumed-dead former heir to the estate? Everyone gets in tizzy — will Matthew be disinherited? … Continue reading

Making the move: On being a bicoastal hockey fan

To be perfectly honest, hockey has not been at the top of the brain for the last month. I moved from San Francisco to Philadelphia over the weekend and the cross-country switch has been preoccupying, to put it mildly. Maybe that’s part of the reason why I got home (my parents’ home — still apartment … Continue reading

The Black Adder

I am a fan of British TV comedies: Monty Python, Red Dwarf and Fawlty Towers are favorites I have watched over and over. Another favorite is the Blackadder series — which is now on Netflix in its entirety. Blackadder, over the course of four series (or seasons), follows the life and times of the Blackadder … Continue reading

The united queues of Sarah

Hi, my name is Sarah and I’m an addict.  Last week I watched the entire series of The United States of Tara in 5 days. That’s 37 half hour episodes. I watched 13 episodes in one day. A Wednesday.  I’m currently two days sober from Netflix.  Most people don’t understand. They think TV is just … Continue reading

Date this, not that

We’ve all seen those little segments on fluffy morning “news” shows or the similar comparative layouts in fitness magazines — those ones that urge you to substitute one high-calorie meal for a delicious but healthier alternative. Eat this, not that, they say. You can have a black coffee, sausage sandwich and an orange for the … Continue reading

Interview with Neil Jackson

Actor, writer, producer. Villain, vampire, coach. Neil Jackson has worn many faces. In America, he’s known for his performances in Push (2009), Quantum of Solace (2008), Alexander (2004), Blade: The Series and ABC’s Make It or Break It. His British acting resume is equally rich, including such series as Heartbeat, Ultimate Force, Silent Witness, Dream … Continue reading