The five least romantic animal mating rituals

If you happen to be someone who was alone, forgotten or rejected on Valentines Day you may be thinking: Hell, even a damn dirty ape can get a date, and they don’t even have to send flowers! Why not me?!” Well, here’s a thought to cheer you up: Yes, even stupid animals can find a … Continue reading

How to be a crazy (wiener) dog lady

It’s best, when trying to be a crazy dog lady, to start with a stacked deck. If possible, get born into a family that considers the dachshund of the house to be your equal and sibling. My only sister, for example, was a dachshund-beagle mix named Panfila (may she rest in peace), and residing below … Continue reading

Virtue in a hurry

While it’s probably not always evident here at “The F Word,” healthy eating is a priority of mine. I tend to keep in shape by working out 5 or 6 times a week to compensate for any chocolate, burgers, or beer that I may or may not eat that week. I refuse to diet. At … Continue reading

Killer yeast

When my friend and Idler editor Gavin suggested that I make cinnamon rolls, I jumped at the chance. I love to bake—everything makes so much sense when you’re baking. There’s none of the stupid ambiguity that exists in cooking (cook until done? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?), and if you just follow directions, everything comes out … Continue reading

Top ten funny YouTube links for insomniacs

Looking for an excuse to check your email one more time before bed? Or maybe you’re just up late answering the siren song of the interwebs while you worry about loved ones, career, or the eternal blackness. Whatever the reason you’re sitting at your comp when you should totally be sleeping, here are some of … Continue reading

Gouda-stuffed chicken, in spite of myself

A few weeks ago, we had our work holiday party. Besides the fact that there was lots of free food and free booze, there was also a raffle for lots of different things. I’m a sucker for raffles and giveaways and handouts—who doesn’t love free shit? I put some tickets in for the massage, but … Continue reading

Cookies roasting on an open fire

The holidays are a time for spending time with your family (if you like them), or trying to get out of spending time with your family (if you don’t), a time for resting, and most of all, a time for eating. If you’re a grown-up like me, the holidays are also a time of obligation. … Continue reading

On (not) eating chocolate

If it’s not already obvious here at “The F Word,” let me say it: I refuse to diet. I think it is a fine way to lose weight, if that is your goal. However, as a daily eating habit, I just cannot force myself to go without carbs or without meat or without food in … Continue reading

Sergeant pepper and my questionable knife skills

I loved the chili that I made in my slow-cooker so much that I wanted to give the slow-cooker another try. I wanted to do a roast or some sort of chicken, but, as usual, I ended up choosing a soup. There’s nothing else like soup when the temperature drops below thirty and when you … Continue reading

The butternut squash battle

An indeterminate amount of time ago, my aunt gave me a big butternut squash from her garden. I thanked her and acted excited like any good niece should, but I was a little nervous. Not only had I never cooked butternut squash before, but I wasn’t even sure that I liked it. I hemmed and … Continue reading